Thursday, February 16, 2012

Moral values - The Railway children

Below are the summary of the what I was able to gather when I attended a course on the techniques in teaching the Form 3 novel, The Railway February 2012.  Thank you to all who have contributed to this course. Hopefully all of us will benefit from this.

1. To be responsible - responsible for their action of stealing the coal - Peter admitted that it was him who stole the coal, but the rest of the siblings also came out and wanted to be responsible too for that act .

Bobbie was also responsible when they first arrived at the white house, she went to find some coal and lit  the fire..

2. to be benevolent & generous - the old gentleman was quite generous when he donates food and medicine to the family whom he barely knew...

3. To show our appreciation - by giving gold watch to the kids for saving the passengers on the train

4. To be truthful - eg when they steal the coal

Themes in The Railway Children

Before you do this in your class, make sure:
1. Students have really read the book
2. Students knows all the characters in the book...

Themes in the novel
1. The importance of family ties
    There is a strong bond in the family : eg Mother is always at home , Birthday of the family members are celebrated....etc

2. Being helpful and optimistic
    Eg. Bobbie  and her siblings are very helpful- they were willing to help eg. when they realised that there was a landslide occuring and might be fatal to the train passengers, they risked their life to stop the train. Bobbie even stepped on the railway lines/track to wave the flags made from their own petticoat in order to make sure the train driver see her and stop the train.

   Perk was also helpful when he helped to deliver the food and medicine to Bobbie's family.
   Old Gentleman was helpful when he send them the food and medicine that Bobbie and her siblings asked for.
   Bobbie was very optimistic that her father was not guilty and will be released..

3. The joys of childhood

4. Act of bravery

5. Coping with hardship

6. Resourceful and innovative - when they use their petticoats as flags to stop the train.

Task: Choose one theme. Then discuss in group one scene that best illustrate the theme. Role play the scene.

This is quite a task for the children - to act out the scene... would definitely be interesting to watch but might take a long time to complete : Suggestion as afternoon activities.

Credits to the team of teachers who have worked hard to produce the materials and also to those who have conducted the course. I would also like to say thank you to the Curriculum Development Division for the materials and courses organised.
Thank You .

The Railway children - important events

1) Ask students to identify them most important event or the event that changes where the story is leading to / or the climax...
Among the possible events would be :
1. When the father is taken away
2. Moving to the white house in the  country
3. Meeting the old gentleman
4. Mother falls sick
5. Saving the boy in th tunnel

.... but the most important event agreed upon was after the landslide, and when the children used their petticoat to stop the train from colliding with the rubble from  the landslide.After this incident, they met the old gentleman, face to face when they were given the gold watch as an appreciation for having stopped the train before anything bad happens to the train passengers.
This lesson is quite suitable for HEP students - Ask the students to report the events that happened during the event; Write in a way that would make the newspaper saleable.

Teaching ideas - The railway children

How do you start teaching The Railway Children. Well, here are a few tips to help you started.

1. Teaching the plots (series of events)
 a) Divide the class into 5 groups (eg).
 b) Group 1 is asked to read chapter 1&2; Group 2- chapters 3 & 5; group 3 - chapters 4&7; group 4 - chapter 6; and group 5 - chapters 8&9.
 c) Teacher will have to prepare strips of events; The groups of students are asked to find the strips of events that relate to their assigned chapters.
 d) After the students find the related strips, they have to paste it on board under the respective chapters.
 e) Teacher check their work.

2. Introducing the train
a) Jazz chants - students whisper " The train is coming..", .. group by group and each group ends with the sound of train complete with whistles...; the sound continues ... and starts after one another...

b) Then , teacher brainstorm for word cluster. words like train, railway track, railway lines, station.
     Teacher then provides more difficult words related to train like : locomotive, engine , or even pictures of a train engine with its parts labelled.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Teaching A Fighter's Lines

State any theme you can get from the poem and show contextual evidence to prove your answer:
c u p
c- courageous u- unity p- patriotism

It was a 2 day course...


Monday, February 13, 2012


hsp BI Form 2
hsp Bi Form 5


Credits to team of teachers working for Curriculum Development Division for the modules.

Below is our school's  Scheme of Work , done based on the HSP by CDC.

Program Pengantarabangsaan ke PCC. Satim . Thailand... 6- 10 Februari 2012Mo

Pictures of the activity at Princess Chulabhorn's College, Satun , Thailand...

Morning Assembly - First Day - Students were asked to introduce themselves , one by one....

With 2 teachers from PCC

Explanation given to the pair on how to carry out the task...

What a wonderful world

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence.." (Bukhari)

Death in Sujood on Her Wedding Night

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence.." (Bukhari)

True strory told by Shaykh “Abdul Mohsen al Ahmad”, it happened in Abha (the capital of Asir province in Saudi Arabia)
“After performing Salat Al Maghrib, she put her make-up, wore her beautiful white dress preparing herself for her wedding party, Then she heard the Adhan of ‘Ishaa and she realized that she broke her Wudu
she told her mother : “mother, I have to go to make wudu and pray ‘Ishaa”
Her mother was shocked : “Are you crazy?!! Guests are waiting for you, to see you! what about your make -up? It will be all washed away by water!!” then she added:
” I am your mother and I order you not to perform salah now! wallahi if you make wudu now, I will be angry at you”
Her daughter replied :”wallahi I won’t go out from here till I perform my salah! Mother you must know that “There is no obedience to any creature in disobedience to the Creator.”!!
Her mother said:”what would our guests say about you when you’ll show up in your wedding party without make-up?! You won’t be beautiful in their eyes! and They will make fun of you!”
The daughter asked with a smile :”Are you worried because I won’t be beautiful in the eyes of creations? What about my Creator?! I am worried because, if I miss my salah, I won’t be beautiful in His eyes”
She started to make wudu, and all her make-up was washed away, but she didn’t care
Then she began her salah and at the moment she bowed down to make sujud, she didn’t realize that it will be her last one!
Yes! She died while in sujud! What a great ending for a Muslimah who insisted on obeying her Lord! Many people who heard her story were so touched!!
She put Him and His obedience first in her priorities, so He granted her the best ending that any Muslim would have!
She wanted to be closer to Him, so He took her soul in the place where Muslim are the closest to Him! Subhana Allah!
She didn’t care if she would be beautiful in the eyes of creatures so she was beautiful in the eyes of Her Creator!
O Muslim sister, imagine if you are in her place! What will you do? What will you choose : pleasing creations or your Creator?
O dear sister! Do you guarantee that you will live for the next minutes? Hours? Months?!!
No one knows when their hour will come? Or when will they meet angels of death? So are you ready for that moment?
O non hijab sister! What do you choose : Pleasing yourself by not wearing Hijab or pleasing your Lord by wearing hijab?
Are you ready to meet Him without Hijab?
And what about you, sister who are “in relationship” or “open relationship”, are you ready to meet your Lord today? Tomorrow?! What do you choose pleasures of this Dunya or pleasures of akhirah?!
May Allah guide us all to what pleases Him and grant everyone who is reading these lines good ending, Ameen.

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence.." (Bukhari)