Thursday, March 22, 2012

Catch Us If You Can - Write about a character who shows determination.

A character who shows determination in the novel , Catch us if you can, is Rory. This novel is mostly about the determination shown by a young boy , Rory, who is determined to escape the possibilities of being separated from his Granda who has looked after him since he was a little baby.

Rory is determined to take care of his Granda even though many people have suggested that Granda be put into a home for the elderly.
For example, Darren's mother .....
In other words,  by putting Granda in the old folks' home, Rory would be able to lead a usual life like any other teenagers.
However, Rory will not even discussed the matter. He would be very angry if somebody ....

In addition , Rory is very determined to care for Granda because Granda is the only family he has.
To make sure they are not separated , he really takes care of Granda's need.  
For example,  he hides Granda's pipe before Granda goes to bed so that .... .
He also makes sure Granda takes his pills on time.
He even goes back at lunch time to buy Granda two hot pies...

Rory is also determined to be with Granda at all times.
A fire occurs at their apartment when Granda tries to cook something to please Rory. . The incident results in the two of them being separated. Granda is put in Rachnadar, the old folks' home, while Rory has to stay in Castle Street Home. Granda says that Rachnadar is a place where they put old folks that nobody wants. Rory is afraid that Granda will be dead inside after finding his grandfather getting so upset to be there." It hurts him when he heard Granda saying that  he would run away if he was younger. After being in Castle Street home  for ______ days and getting bullied by Tess, Rory decides to escape.  

Rory is very determined to make the Great Escape. He plans the event in  3 days.
He plans on the place to stay after the escape with the help from Darren. Darren gives him the key to his mother's caravan.
Besides, he also thinks of bringing Granda's clother.....
He also plans on how to escape from Rachnadar. .....

When the police came to Darren's caravan, Rory takes the necessary action to bring Granda away from the caravan. He knows that Granda is not really well but he is determined to be together. So, Rory..................................

In conclusion, we can say that Rory is definitely a character who really shows determination. If not for this characteristic, he definitely would have been separated from his grandfather and he himself would live alone in Castle Street Home with the other orphans.

Bersedekah ....

Doa Malaikat Atas Pemberi Sedekah dan Penahan Sedekah

diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ra. : Nabi Muhammad Saw bersabda, "setiap hari, dua malaikat turun ke bumi. salah seorang dari mereka berkata, 'Ya Allah, gantilah harta orang yang bersedekah di jalan-Mu'. 
sedangkan yang satunya lagi berkata, 'Ya Allah, binasakanlah harta orang yang menahan hartanya untuk disedekahkan'." 

Menyegerakan Bersedekah

Diriwayatkan dari Haritsah binWahb ra. : aku pernah mendengar Rasulullah Saw bersabda,“segerakanlah sedekah, jangan ditunda hingga datang suatu zaman ketika seseorang harus berkeliling untuk memberikan
apa yang akan disedekahkannya dan tidak menemukan seorang pun yang mau menerimanya, dan orang
(yang diminta untuk menerima sedekah itu) akan berkata, “seandainya kau datang kemarin pasti aku akan
menerimanya, adapun hari ini aku tidak membutuhkannya”. 

Pahala Sedekah Untuk Yang Meninggal

Diriwayatkan dari Aisyah ra. : seorang lelaki berkata kepada Nabi Muhammad Saw,“ibuku meninggal tiba-tiba dan aku berpikir jika ia masih hidup ia akan memberikan sedekah. Apabila sekarang aku akan
memberikan sedekah atas namanya, apakah ia akan memperoleh pahala?” Nabi Muhammad Saw memberikan jawaban yang membenarkan.


diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ra. : Nabi Muhammad Saw. pernah bersabda,
"tidak akan datang hari Kiamat hingga kekayaanmu berlimpah sedemikian banyaknya yang membuatnya takut, karena tidak akan ada orang yang mau menerima zakatnya dan orang yang kepada siapa
zakat itu akan diberikan, akan menjawab, 'aku tidak membutuhkannya'" 

Nabi Muhammad Saw Tidak Dapat Memberi Syafaat Kepada Orang Yang Tidak Membayar Zakat

Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah ra. : Nabi Muhammad Saw pernah bersabda,“(pada hari kiamat) unta-unta akan datang mencari pemiliknya dalam keadaan mereka yang terbaik, dan apabila pemiliknya tidak membayar zakat (ketika di dunia) maka unta-unta itu akan menendangnya dengan kaki-kaki mereka; dalam keadaan yang serupa, kambing- kambing akan menemui pemiliknya dalam keadaan yang terbaik, dan apabila
pemiliknya tidak membayar zakat (ketika di dunia) maka kambing-kambing itu akan menendangnya dengan kaki-kaki mereka dan menanduknya dengan tanduk-tanduk mereka.” Nabi Muhammad Saw bersabda,“salah satu dari hak-hak mereka adalah bahwa ketika diperah susunya air diletakkan didepan mereka”. Nabi Muhammad Saw menambahkan, “aku tidak ingin siapapun dari kalian menemuiku di hari kiamat dengan membawa kambing yang mengembik di lehernya. Orang seperti ini akan berkata,‘wahai Muhammad, tolonglah aku’.Aku akan berkata kepadanya, ‘aku tidak dapat menolongmu, karena aku telah menyampaikan perintah Allah kepadamu.’ Begitu pula, aku tidak ingin siapa pun dari kalian datang menemuiku dengan membawa seekor unta yang mendengkur di lehernya. Orang seperti itu akan berkata kepadaku,‘wahai
Muhammad, tolonglah aku’, aku akan berkata kepadanya, ‘aku tidak dapat menolongmu karena aku telah
menyampaikan perintah Allah kepadamu’”.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Being old....

Alone in His Twilight Years

When I entered the room, I saw him looking forlornly out of the window. His once clear and sparkling eyes were dimmed, his eyesight failing. As he recounted to me the story of how he ended up in an old folk’s home, tears coursed down his wrinkled cheeks.
He had once been rich. Born into a middle-class family, he had worked hard and established himself as one of the leading businessmen in town. Alas, in his pursuit of wealth and career advancement, he had neglected his wife and children, spending hours away at work, slogging, entertaining clients and just being busy making money. True, he provided for his family and gave them the luxuries that money could afford. But he was hardly with them. Their birthdays, school sports days and concerts went by unnoticed.
One day, after years of taking care of the children single-handedly, his wife packed her bags and left him, leaving the children behind. Not knowing how to take care of them, he sought the help of a distant aunt. Initially he visited them frequently but as his business expanded, he only visited them occasionally. His children’s upbringing was left entirely to the aunt. The monthly requests for the children’s expenses, however, never failed to arrive. They came promptly, on the first of every month.
Somehow, fate has a strange way of working. One day he found himself cheated out of his wealth and property by the ‘aunt’ to whom he had entrusted the care of his children. He wasn’t left penniless, though. But the bitter pill was too much for him to swallow. He was devastated and this affected his will and enthusiasm for his business. He carried on working but everything became merely a routine to him.
At sixty-two, forced to retire due to health problems, he found himself lonelier than ever. His medical bills depleted him of whatever savings he had but pride kept him from going to his children for help. Left with almost nothing to live for, except his firm belief in God, he decided to spend his final days in an old folk’s home. He reasoned that at least he would have company and not feel so lonely.
However, at a time when there were not so many old folk’s homes around, he found that he could not gain acceptance into an existing one. He could not afford the expensive nursing homes, yet he was ineligible to stay in any of the old folk’s homes as priority was given to the poor and those with no family. He wasn’t exactly poor. Neither was he without a family. And thus began his dilemma and the start of countless rejections from old folk’s homes.
Finally, noticing that his savings were running low, he swallowed his pride and sought the help of Sam, an old friend, to contact his children. After weeks of anxious waiting for news from Sam, he was told of his children’s whereabouts. Filled with renewed hope, he made contact with them. To his utter dismay, his hopes were crushed. His children, busy with careers and families of their own, had no time for him.
However, his youngest son, a bachelor, remembered his father and took him in. Unlike his older siblings who were doing well, he was struggling to make ends meet. Despite earning a meager salary, he welcomed his ageing father to his home. The old man gratefully moved in and stayed with his son for two months. Then, realizing the financial burden he was placing on his son, he decided to try his luck again at the old folk’s homes.
He wrote to the old folk’s homes, explaining his predicament. After countless letters, he was finally accepted by a home. When he received that news, he said, he felt a great burden lifted from his shoulders. As he said that, he smiled. And there was a faraway look in his eyes, as if reminiscing the days gone by. 
This is a story I found years ago, but I cannot remember when and where I got the story. I would like to share this with friends in the hope that we would realised our duties to our parents.