Saturday, December 11, 2010



Program MyBrain15 adalah salah satu program agenda kritikal di bawah Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara (PSPTN). Matlamat program adalah untuk mewujudkan kelompok sumber manusia yang berpengetahuan tinggi sebagai pemangkin kepada penyelidikan dan inovasi. Ini adalah penting bagi memastikan usaha Kerajaan untuk menjadikan pembangunan ekonomi berteraskan inovasi dapat dicapai dengan jayanya. Di bawah program ini, Kerajaan mensasarkan untuk mencapai sebanyak 60,000 pemegang PhD di kalangan rakyat Malaysia. Program yang ditawarkan oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi adalah seperti berikut:

MyPhD terbuka kepada semua graduan yang layak dan kakitangan sektor swasta. Objektif program ini adalah untuk meningkatkan jumlah kumpulan tenaga kerja profesional tempatan yang berpengetahuan dan berkemahiran tinggi berteraskan inovasi dan kreativiti yang mampu menjana pertumbuhan sektor ekonomi dan industri tempatan.

MyMaster merupakan feeder kepada program pembiayaan pengajian di peringkat PhD iaitu MyPhD. Objektif program ini adalah untuk merangsang dan menggalakkan graduan yang berkaliber meneruskan pengajian di peringkat yang lebih tinggi dalam bidang-bidang yang penting selaras dengan agenda pembangunan negara.
PhD Industri

PhD Industri memberi tumpuan kepada para profesional dan pengamal industri dalam menghasilkan inovasi dan meningkatkan daya saing melalui penyelidikan berasaskan industri. Program ini juga adalah insentif Kerajaan untuk menggalakkan perkongsian pengetahuan antara pengamal industri dan ahli akademik dalam melahirkan profesional yang berpengetahuan tinggi.
Skim Latihan Akademik IPTA(SLAI)

SLAI bertujuan meningkatkan kualiti tenaga pengajar di IPTA selaras dengan objektif PSPTN iaitu "Memperkasa Institusi Pengajian Tinggi". Dalam RMKe-10, Kerajaan mensasarkan 75% pensyarah berkelayakan PhD atau setaraf di IPTA bertaraf Universiti Penyelidikan manakala sebanyak 60% di IPTA lain. Pengajian ini terbuka kepada pensyarah/ tutor/ fellow yang berkhidmat di IPTA sahaja.



MyMaster merupakan feeder kepada program pembiayaan pengajian di peringkat PhD iaitu MyPhD. Objektif program ini adalah untuk merangsang dan menggalakkan graduan yang berkaliber meneruskan pengajian di peringkat yang lebih tinggi dalam bidang-bidang yang penting selaras dengan agenda pembangunan negara.

Permohonan ditawarkan kepada graduan dan orang awam serta kakitangan swasta untuk melanjutkan pengajian di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana secara sepenuh masa di institusi pengajian tinggi (IPT) tempatan yang terpilih dalam bidang Sains dan Teknologi serta Sains Sosial / Sastera Ikhtisas. Bagi bidang Sains Sosial / Sastera Ikhtisas, keutamaan akan diberikan kepada bidang penyelidikan yang menjurus kepada inovasi, pembangunan ekonomi dan peningkatan kualiti hidup masyarakat serta berpandukan bidang-bidang yang berkaitan dengan National Key Economic Areas (NKEA).
Skop Pembiayaan

(a) Syarat-syarat Umum

(i) Pemohon adalah warganegara Malaysia;
(ii) Berumur tidak melebihi 35 tahun semasa memohon;
(iii) Memiliki Ijazah Sarjana Muda atau setaraf yang diiktiraf oleh Kerajaan dengan CGPA minima 2.75;
(iv) Telah ditawarkan pengajian secara sepenuh masa oleh IPT;
(v) Tidak menerima sebarang bentuk penajaan dari lain-lain penaja;
(vi) Tidak pernah mendapat tajaan dari Kerajaan / Kerajaan Negeri / Agensi Kerajaan / Badan Berkanun untuk pengajian di peringkat yang sama; dan
(vii) Tiada ikatan perjanjian untuk berkhidmat dengan mana-mana pihak sepanjang tempoh tajaan.

(b) Elemen Pembiayaan


Tempoh Biaya(Maksimum)
1. Yuran Pengajian (tidak termasuk wang hemat diri dan yuran penginapan) tidak melebihi RM10,000;
2. Pembiayaan yuran pengajian akan dibayar terus kepada pihak IPT berkenaan
24 Bulan
3. Bantuan Penyediaan Tesis tertakluk siling yuran masih berbaki :
Mod Penyelidikan : RM3,000
Mod Campuran (Kerja Kursus dan Tesis) : RM1,500
Sekali sepanjang pengajian

*Tertakluk kepada kelulusan Kementerian Kewangan

(c) Ikatan Perjanjian

i. Semua penerima biaya perlu menandatangani ikatan perjanjian bersama seorang penjamin dengan Kerajaan sebagai tanda setuju untuk mengikuti pengajian sepanjang tempoh tajaan.

ii. Tuntutan gantirugi boleh dikenakan sekiranya:-

a. Pelajar menarik diri atau menangguh pengajian tanpa kebenaran;
b. Diberhentikan oleh IPT kerana masalah disiplin, kelemahan akademik atau sebab-sebab lain yang telah ditetapkan di bawah peraturan IPT berkenaan; dan
c. Pelajar gagal dalam pengajian.

Pemohonan & Penawaran

i. Permohonan akan dibuka secara online sepanjang tahun mulai 01 Disember 2010.

ii. Tawaran juga secara online akan dibuat dalam empat (4) fasa iaitu Januari, April, Julai dan Oktober pada setiap tahun.

iii. Sebelum memohon, calon hendaklah terlebih dahulu memperolehi surat tawaran pengajian.
Tatacara Permohonan

1. Permohonan perlu dibuat secara atas talian (online) sepenuhnya dengan klik menu LOG MASUK di atas, dan mendaftar sebagai pengguna sistem.

2. Borang permohonan boleh diisi dan dikemaskini butirannya sebanyak dua (2) kali mulai tarikh diiklankan sehingga tarikh tutup permohonan.

3. Permohonan akan diproses dalam empat (4) fasa iaitu Januari, April, Julai dan Oktober pada setiap tahun.

4. Semua dokumen sokongan asal hendaklah diimbas (scan) dan disimpan dalam format imej (JPEG) atau PDF dan perlu dimuatnaik (upload) melalui permohonan atas talian ini. Dokumen yang di (capture) menggunakan kamera adalah tidak dibenarkan. Dokumen sokongan tersebut adalah:



Gambar pemohon berukuran passport

Salinan kad pengenalan pemohon

Salinan transkrip akademik tertinggi (semester akhir)

Salinan surat tawaran kemasukan ke Institusi/Universiti


-->Klik sini untuk panduan mengimbas dokumen sokongan.

-->Klik sini untuk panduan menukar format dokumen softcopy ke format PDF.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Happy Holiday....

Have a nice holiday... but remember you are still a student... so you know what you have to do...

Here's a story about a real story that happened in USA...

Kisah benar ini berlaku di US (Amerika Syarikat).

Ia tentang seorang wanita dari Malaysia yang bekerja di US. Dia memakai tudung dan memiliki akhlak yang bagus.

Suatu malam perempuan ini dalam perjalanan balik ke rumah dari tempat kerjanya. Kebetulan dia mengambil jalan singkat untuk pulang. Jalan yang diambil pula agak tersorok dan tidak banyak orang yang lalu lalang pada masa itu.

Disebabkan hari yang agak sudah lewat, berjalan di jalan yang agak gelap sebegitu membuatkan dia agak gelisah dan rasa takut. Lebih-lebih lagi dia berjalan bersaorangan.

Tiba-tiba dia nampak ada seorang lelaki (kulit putih Amerika) bersandar di dinding di tepi lorong itu. Dia sudah mula rasa takut dan tak sedap hati. Apa yang dia boleh buat waktu tu adalah berdoa ke hadrat Allah memohon keselamatan atas dirinya. Dia baca ayat Kursi dengan penuh pengharapan agar Allah membantu dia di saat itu.

Masa dia melepasi tempat lelaki itu bersandar, dia sempat menoleh dan dapat mengecam muka lelaki itu. Nasib baik lelaki itu buat tidak endah dan perempuan ini selamat sampai ke rumahnya.

Keesokkan paginya, wanita ini terbaca dalam akhbar yang seorang perempuan telah dirogol oleh seorang lelaki yang tidak dikenali dekat lorong yang dia jalan semalam hanya 10 minit selepas dia melintasi lorong tersebut. Muslimah ini yakin benar lelaki kulit putih yang dia lihat semalam adalah perogol itu.

Atas rasa tanggungjawab dia terus ke balai polis dan buat aduan. Wanita ni dapat mengenalpasti suspek melalui kawad cam dan selepas siasatan dilakukan, polis dapat bukti bahawa lelaki tersebut adalah perogol yang dicari.

Tapi perempuan ini hairan juga kenapa lelaki tadi tak jadikan dia mangsa ketika dia melalui lorong tersebut walhal dia keseorangan di masa tu, tetapi lelaki tadi rogol perempuan yang lalu selepas dia. Wanita ini nak tahu sangat sebabnya. Jadi dia minta kebenaran polis untuk bercakap dengan perogol tadi sebelum hukuman dijatuhkan (sebelum lelaki tadi di bawa ke tempat lain).

Dia pun tanya perogol itu..

“Why don’t you do anything to me on that night even though you know that I’m alone?”

(Kenapa awak tak buat apa-apa kat saya malam tu walaupun awak tau saya seorang je masa tu?)

Perogol tu jawab:

“No, you are not alone. That night I saw two young man walking with you. One on your right side and the other one was by your left side. If you were alone of course you will be my victim.”

(Tak, awak bukan berseorangan. Malam tu saya nampak ada 2 orang lelaki berjalan dengan awak. Seorang sebelah kanan awak dan sorang lagi sebelah kiri awak. Kalaulah awak sorang-sorang malam tu, sudah pasti awak jadi mangsa saya..)

Wanita ni rasa amat terkejut bila dengar penjelasan perogol tu. Dia bersyukur ke hadrat Allah kerana memelihara dia malam itu, mungkin juga berkat ayat Kursi yang dia baca malam itu.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Nail that interview....

Job interviews come in all different forms but one fundamental goal remains the same – you need to convince an interviewer that you are the one. To do this you need to understand what the interviewer is looking for and prove that you can deliver. The three things that will help you secure the job are: preparation, presentation and performance.
Preparation: Research the company
Get as much information about the company, job and industry as you can. Don't just rely on a Google search or a quick skim of the organisation's website – though this is a good start! To really impress, look for additional sources of information like business journals and newspapers. Find out who the company's major clients are, what the company does and the names of people in key positions like the CEO. Then make sure you mention some of this information at the interview.

Contact the company and ask about the interview process, and find out who will be interviewing you. If the organisation is large, you can look for information about this person online. Knowing something about the person interviewing you can be a massive advantage on the day.
Preparation: Research yourself

Speak with some old colleagues about your positive and negative traits while at work. What have you done to build on your strengths and overcome your weaknesses? It's vital to be clear about what you want, so work out your long-term career goals and how this job fits your plan.

Make sure you know your resume well and be ready to prove your experience by having a few examples of work achievements up your sleeve.
Preparation: Research the questions

A number of standard questions come up again and again in interviews so it is possible to plan what you will say if you are asked one of these. For example, it's easy to plan in advance an answer to 'tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult person'.

Practise answering the questions at home. Treat it like a rehearsal and make sure you are confident to tell your story and to ad lib if something unexpected happens.
Presentation: Clothes

It is better to be overdressed than underdressed and this often means wearing a suit. The easiest way to find out what is expected of you is to ring the receptionist and ask what the dress code is. Even if it is casual, you should still dress in smart business clothes. Keep accessories like jewellery to a minimum, make sure your is hair tidy and your shoes must be clean.
Presentation: Behaviour

It is important to come across as enthusiastic, but let the interviewer set the tone. They might not shake your hand, but be ready in case they do. React to their mannerisms. If the interviewer has a soft tone, don't speak loudly back to them. If you tend to move your hands around a lot, try to keep them closer to your lap. And of course, never forget the golden rule. Turn that mobile phone off!
Presentation: Develop rapport

An interview is sometimes likened to a date – which is why they can be so intimidating! The best way to make a good impression is by staying calm and relaxed. Be yourself and try to enjoy the experience. Eye contact and a smile are essential. Actively listen to everything the interviewer says and incorporate his or her own words into your answers. Make sure you don't send off negative signals by crossing your arms or by looking around the room instead of at the interviewer.
Performance: You're the star

You've prepared, you're confident and you're looking terrific. Now it's showtime! Or rather, audition time! It's time to sell yourself and convince your interviewer that you are the one and only. And don't forget to be on time (in fact, make sure you are there a little early).

Stay cool, calm and focused. Deep breathing and relaxation exercises can help relax your muscles. Stand tall as you walk in and shake hands. Eye contact is good but should not be continuous -that's unnatural and a little scary!
Performance: Show and tell

Show what you know and what you can do. Listen carefully, and respond. Ask questions of your own at the end and thank the person for their time with another handshake.

Follow up via email or snail mail to say thank you for the interview and reiterate your interest in the position. Then cross your fingers and hope for the best.

reference :

How to succeed in interviews..

Now , i know how people failed their interviews... sometimes that person doesn't have to be interviewed , but he already fails (in the eyes of the interviewer).

How is that so... or how does that happen?

Well , i think , it is because that person gives out negative vibration - which vibrates and reaches the interviewer. Why "negative vibration"? Well , this may happens when he /she thinks negatively of himself/herself. Maybe she got into the interview room having doubts of his/her abilities or his/her capabilities of getting the job.

So what should you do? 1) think of what you want
2) Give attention - practise...Do not say "dont" "no" "not"
3) remove the doubt - say "yes, I can"

‎3 steps by Michael Losier (The Law of Attraction):
(1) Know what u want
(2) give attention , focus
(3) remove the doubt - be confident always...

Fikir Kamu Boleh...
If you think you can, of course you can...
The subconscious mind will work to make sure that you can..

If you think you can.. you'll send out a positive vibration and people surrounding you will think that you can.. and that's how you can get that job,; the interviewer will have that feeling , transmitted to them, that you can do the job.. Thus.. you get the job..!! :=)

My schooldays: 'Best days of my life'

My schooldays: 'Best days of my life'

PREM Shanker Eswaran, 27, was a street salesman selling phone cards, a call centre consultant to two telcos and a ground team personnel at a radio station before becoming what he is today -- host of 8TV Quickie and game show Whack It, and Fly Fm disc jockey.

He also spins at a club every Saturday under the name Premosupremo and plays a rapper in an episode of Crossings, which started airing Oct 1 at 8.30pm over ntv7.

The highlight of his career is "the ability to put a smile on someone's face" every time he's on TV or on air.

And it doesn't matter how -- whether it is someone winning a prize in a TV or radio contest or him saying silly things. "It keeps me happy knowing that I'm making someone happy," says Prem.

The bubbly personality answers questions on his schooldays:

Which primary and secondary schools did you attend?

SRK and SMK Methodist ACS Klang.

Did you have a favourite teacher and why did you like him/her?

I had a few favourite teachers. It was because of the way they taught and the manner in which they treated students. They made us stay in class, enjoy the subject and also learn it well.

What subject(s) did you like at school?

English, Bahasa Malaysia and Science.

Were you rewarded for good performance by your parents? If yes, in what way.

Yes, but they made me work for it. When I was in primary school, my parents bought me a BMX bicycle for being the top boy in class. In secondary school, it was more of a monetary reward. When I was in college, my dad bought a handphone that I wanted when I got good grades.

What was your best (and worst) school holiday?

My best holidays have always been my travels. My parents sent me alone to India when I was 12 to visit relatives.

My mum's older sister took me on many holidays to Indonesia and other places. She's the best.

My worst holiday was when I was suspected of dengue fever and had to be hospitalised on the first day of the school holidays, and I was just about to leave for a vacation. I ended up being in hospital for about two weeks.

What hobbies did you have while at school?

Outdoor games! I just love the outdoors. I was an athlete so I played almost every game in school, from football and hockey to track events. I'm also a cricketer. I learned cricket in India and played for my school and the Klang district.

My only indoor hobby is playing with Tamiya cars, which you build and then race on tracks.

What was your ambition while schooling?

Don't laugh. I wanted to be a scientist. I loved the idea of discovering and creating new things.

If you were to live your schooldays all over again, is there anything you would like to change?

Nothing at all. I had the best days of my life in school and I would do anything to have those times again. Even just for one week... All right, maybe I'll change the way I studied. Work a little harder.

Read more: My schooldays: 'Best days of my life'

Monday, October 11, 2010

THe Pearl - Problems faced by a character

Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Pearl: Sample Answers

‘In life a person sometimes faces problems.’

How is this shown in the novel you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text.

To answer the above question you need to ask yourself the following questions:
* Who is the character who faces problems?
* What are these problems?
* How many points must I provide?

The answer to the last question is relative. Due to time constraints, I suggest you provide at least three to five points.

Kino, the main character in the novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck, is initially a contented man despite living in extreme poverty. He is satisfied with life although he is only a poor pearl diver whose only material possessions are a canoe and a brush house. He is not concerned about his lack of material comforts. Life is difficult but he is happy. However, all this changes very soon and he is plagued with problems.

The first problem Kino faces is lack of money. This problem surfaces when his only son Coyotito is stung by a scorpion. Desperate to save the life of his child, he goes to the doctor’s house to seek treatment. Unfortunately, he is denied treatment simply because he has no money to pay the doctor. Until this moment, his poverty, or rather lack of money has not been a problem. Now, he realises that he needs money to save his child. This is when he goes pearl diving because he does not want to take chances with his son’s life. Luckily, he finds a big pearl and he believes he will be able to solve his problem by selling the pearl. Unfortunately, things do not get better for him. Instead other problems crop up.

The second problem Kino faces is insincerity on the part of people around him. People who were disinterested in his life suddenly turn up at his doorstep. The priest, who has never been concerned about Kino or his family, now hopes that Kino will donate money to the church. Likewise, the doctor who had turned him away now comes to the settlement on the pretext of treating the baby. He deliberately poisons the baby and then gives him an antidote just to gain Kino’s confidence. Kino, who had no worries before, is now suspicious of the people around him. He is unsure of who he can trust. He even becomes suspicious of Juana who steals the pearl one night because she wants to get rid of the evil it has brought.

Another problem is Kino’s and his family’s safety. He is attacked not once but thrice by unknown people who are out to steal the pearl from him. During the first two attacks he suffers slight injuries but in the third attack he accidentally kills a man.

This leads to even bigger problems because he has no choice but to flee the village as no one will believe him that he killed the man in self defence.

More problems surface when his brush house is burnt by people searching for the pearl. He knows that whoever is after him will not leave his family alone. Worse still, his precious canoe is damaged to prevent him from escaping by sea. He is left with no choice but to flee the village.

Unfortunately, Kino faces more problems when he flees the village. Even as he is fleeing, he is pursued by three trackers, two on foot and one on horseback. Kino has to go to extreme lengths to cover his tracks to ensure his family’s safety. He knows that the trackers will not spare his family even if they find the pearl. Kino knows that he has no choice but to kill his trackers to safeguard his family. He takes a great risk by singlehandedly taking on his pursuers using only a knife as a weapon. Unfortunately, during the struggle with the three attackers, a bullet is accidentally fired from the rifle killing his beloved son. With the death of his son, Kino has nothing to look forward to. Finally, he returns to his village unafraid of the consequences.

It is clear from the evidence above that Kino faces many problems, with each problem getting worse than the one before it. Eventually, these problems have a terrible effect on him.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Directed Writing - Star Sunday Oc 3, 2010

Sunday October 3, 2010
Scoring high in directed writing

We will begin this year’s SPM 1119 English series by focusing on writing skills, tested in Paper 1. Candidates are required to write two essays — one on Directed Writing and the other on Continuous Writing.

In the Directed Writing section, candidates are given only one question. This means that there is no choice and candidates must be familiar with the various text types that are tested in this section.

However, candidates should not worry unnecessarily as the question on Directed Writing is quite manageable.

Given appropriate guidance, even candidates who are linguistically weak should be able to handle this question.

What makes this question manageable? Firstly, candidates do not have to worry about what to write as they are given help with content.

The content is provided in the form of several points and candidates need to rewrite the points in the form of sentences without distorting the meaning.

Candidates can score full marks for content if they are able to use the information given in grammatically sound sentences, irrespective of the sentence type or length.

Likewise, it is also easy to obtain marks for format if candidates have been exposed to the formats of the different text types which are usually tested.

Secondly, this question does not demand much linguistically unlike the questions in the continuous writing section.

Thirdly, the question is usually set around the experiences of students. Hence, there is no reason for candidates not to attempt this question.

The allocation of marks for this question is as follows — 15 marks for content and 20 marks for language, bringing it to a total of 35 marks.

The marks for format, which can vary between one and three marks depending on the text type, are included in the 15 marks allocated for content.

Below is an analysis of the questions which have appeared over the past few years:

General guidelines for Directed Writing

·Read the question carefully.

Identify what you are required to do. Also, be clear about your role and your audience — who is going to listen or read your piece of writing.

·Use the 45 minutes allocated for this question wisely.

You need to plan your essay and organise your thoughts. This means thinking about what to write, how to elaborate on the points given and producing a neat piece of writing.

Remember, not to spend more than the allocated time for this question.

Some candidates make the mistake of spending more than 45 minutes on this question and they end up having little time for the second essay.

Bear in mind, no matter how much you write, you can only score a maximum of 15 marks for content, so there is no point in devoting more than 45 minutes.

·Include an introduction and a conclusion and make sure your paragraphs are well-organised.

·Use all content points given. It is advisable to cross out the points you have used, so that no point is left out.

·Use the points in the order in which they are given.

This is to avoid leaving out a point. Sometimes linguistically proficient candidates, rearrange the given points in a manner which suits their organisation of thoughts. There is no harm in doing this except that you may inadvertently leave out a point or two.

·Avoid paraphrasing the points given. This may result in distortion of meaning.

·Convey one point at a time.

·Include points of your own only if you are asked to. Otherwise, do not waste precious time doing so because you will not get any extra marks.

·You should elaborate on the points given.

Write two to three sentences to elaborate on each point. I usually advise my weak students to write at least one sentence for elaboration purposes.

This is because language is a crucial aspect of this paper and your ability to write can only be tested if you provide sufficient language for the examiner to gauge your linguistic ability.

·Your elaborations can be in the form of examples, facts and figures or any extra information.

·Use a variety of sentence structures so that your essay is not dull and monotonous.

·Pay attention to the usage of effective vocabulary. Use appropriate words and expressions to convey meaning.

·You may include suitable idiomatic expressions or quotations to enhance your writing.

·Always read through what you have written.

Correct grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. Remember, in any language paper, grammatical correctness is crucial. Carelessness with the use of tenses, subject-verb agreement, pronouns etc. can result in unnecessary loss of marks.

·Always submit a neatly written piece of work.

Some candidates hand in messy work with lots of cancellations or work that is heavily marked with correction fluid (liquid paper). This makes it very difficult for the examiner to make sense of what you have written.

Common pitfalls

·Poor time management.

As mentioned above, do not spend more than the allocated 45 minutes on this question. Otherwise you will not have enough time for the second question. Remember the second question carries more marks.

·Lengthy essays.

Do not write too much. As mentioned earlier, this question does not make many demands on a candidate. Directed writing is a succinct piece of writing. All you have to do is use the given points and provide a sentence or two (maybe three) to elaborate on them.

A response of 1 ½ - 2 pages is more than sufficient. After all, the more you write the more mistakes you are likley to make. Some candidates make the mistake of writing one paragraph for each point. If you do this, your essay is going to be very lengthy. Save the time and energy for Continuous Writing.

·Usage of Informal language.

This paper tests your written English. Do not use spoken language. Avoid using slang words (such as guys, dudes, bligetty, breaky, toastie), contractions (can’t, mustn’t etc) and informal language (such as informal idiomatic expressions or informal phrasal verbs).

·Too many idiomatic expressions.

Some candidates tend to use as many idiomatic expressions as they can in their piece of writing. I understand this is a required practice for the Bahasa Melayu paper.

It may work to your advantage for the Bahasa Melayu paper but not in an English paper. Reading a piece of writing littered with such expressions devalues the merits the piece of writing may have.

·Poor punctuation.

Some candidates do not punctuate their sentences correctly. Make sure you end your sentence with a full stop and not a comma. Also, make sure that the pronoun (I) is written in upper case and not lower case (i) as is the practice among some candidates.

How to write a Speech

Here are some guidelines you should follow when giving a speech or a talk.

Let’s look at a sample question.

You recently won the ‘Best Student Award’ in your school. You have been asked to give a talk during assembly to share tips with the other students on what they need to do so that they too can become successful students.

Use the following notes to write your speech.


·set goals

·be motivated

·pay attention

·ask questions

·be organised

·complete homework on time

·prepare well for exams

·take part in co-curricular activities

·obey school rules

·respect everyone


·wasting time

·skipping school

When writing out your speech, you should remember to:

·address your audience

·state the purpose of the speech

·use all the points given

·end your speech appropriately

Here is a sample answer.

A very good morning to our beloved principal, Pn Laila Mohd Noor, senior assistants, teachers and friends. On this glorious morning, I, Gary Tan the recipient of this year’s “Best Student Award” am going to give a talk on “How to Become a Successful Student”. In my speech, I am going to share with you some tips on how you can be a successful student.

If you want to be successful, you must set goals. Research shows that people who set goals accomplish more than those who do not. In deciding your goals, ask yourself “What do I want to be?” and “What do I do to get there?” Besides, you must be motivated. When you are motivated you will have a strong desire to do well and to achieve your goals. In addition, you must pay attention in class. Listen actively and focus on what the teacher is teaching. If you have disruptive classmates, sit in front of the classroom, away from them. Always ask questions if you do not understand. Seek clarifications from your teachers or your friends if you are shy to approach the former.

Another important tip to being a successful student is to be organised. You can use a planner or notebook to write down all your assignments when they are given. This way you will not forget your homework, dates of tests or projects. Remember, if you are organised you will be well- prepared and you will have less stress. Moreover, you must complete your homework on time. Homework helps reinforce what you have learnt. It helps you understand and remember the information. You must prepare well for exams. A successful student is one who prepares for exams well in advance, and not at the eleventh hour. If you study consistently, you will have ample time for revision.

Friends, to be a successful student you must have diverse interests. You should take part in co-curricular activities in order to become a well-rounded person. These activities help develop leadership skills and teamwork besides instilling values like cooperation and tolerance. Discipline is an important aspect of our lives. No matter where you go or what you do, you will be subjected to rules and regulations. Hence, it is crucial that you obey the school rules.

Dear friends,

What is success if you lack the common courtesies in life? Remember, you must respect everyone. You must respect your parents, your teachers, the school staff and also your friends. You must respect other people’s feelings and opinions.

There are also several things you must avoid if you want to be a successful student. You must avoid wasting time. These days many teenagers spend hours on social networks such as Facebook or playing computer games. These are a waste of time and will not benefit you in any way. Remember, ‘Time and tide wait for no man’. Also, avoid skipping school. Some students feel that school is a waste of time as they can learn better from their tuition teachers. This is not true. The teachers in our school are experienced and well qualified. They are also experienced examiners and they know how to impart knowledge effectively.

I have to stop here. I hope you have found my talk helpful. Thank you for listening attentively.

The Pearl - Write about a lesson you have learned from the novel you have studied. Support your answer with details from the text.

Write about a lesson you have learned from the novel you have studied. Support your answer with details from the text.

The novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck conveys several lessons to the readers. One lesson which I have learnt is that we should not be greedy. This is because greed is a destructive force.

Initially, Kino is a happy and contented man although he is poor. He is not bothered by the lack of material comfort in his life. His only material possessions are a canoe and his brush house.

However, when he finds the pearl he becomes ambitious. He desires things which he has never considered before. He wants new clothes for himself, Juana and Coyotito. He also wants to marry Juana in a church. He wants a harpoon and a rifle. Most importantly he wants an education for his son, Coyotito.

However, his desire for these things soon becomes an obsession. When he is attacked the first time, Juana advises him to get rid of the pearl because she believes that the attack was triggered by the pearl. He refuses to listen to Juana and is adamant on keeping the pearl. When he is attacked a second time, Juana again tells him to throw the pearl away but he refuses to listen. He is intent on getting a better life for himself and his family.

Unfortunately, after these attacks, he becomes suspicious of everyone. When Juana quietly creeps out of the house to throw the pearl away, he follows her and is able to stop her before she flings the pearl out into the sea. Angry, he lashes out at her and beats her viciously, punching her in the face and kicking her in the stomach. His determination to keep the pearl makes him lose his senses. He beats up the one person who has been very supportive of him.

Things become worse for him when he accidentally kills a man in the third attack.

The people who are after the pearl are also driven by greed. They too become destructive. They destroy his canoe and burn his brush house. Kino, knowing that his life and that of his family’s are at stake, has no choice but to flee. He heads towards the mountains and he is pursued by three trackers who will stop at nothing to get hold of the pearl. The pursuit ends with Kino killing all three trackers.

Unfortunately, his son Coyotito is also killed by a stray bullet.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Knowledge is Power... an interesting story

Effort .... Compliment to Bumi Gemilang for this article....
September 26th, 2010 admin

A giant ship engine failed. The ship’s owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure but how to fix the engine.

Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was a young. He carried a large bag of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work. He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom.

Two of the ship’s owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do. After looking things over, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something. Instantly, the engine lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed!

A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten thousand dollars.

“What?!” the owners exclaimed. “He hardly did anything!”

So they wrote the old man a note saying, “Please send us an itemized bill.”

The man sent a bill that read:

Tapping with a hammer…… ……… …….. $ 2.00
Knowing where to tap………. ……… …… $ 9, 998.00

Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort makes all the difference!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


links available :



- koleksi kertas soalan

Resepi :

any comments ? : -

1. Rebus daging hingga empuk
2. Masukkan dlm kuali.
3. Tambah
a. Santan
b. Bwg merah, putih
c. Halia
d. Serai,
e. Lengkuas
f. Cili kering blend
g. Rempah – jintan manis, putih, ketumbar
4. Didihkan dan Renihkan

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dangers of internet

Thursday September 23, 2010
Malaysian jailed in Singapore for ‘sexual grooming’

SINGAPORE: A man posed as a schoolgirl on a social networking site and cajoled an 11-year-old girl to do indecent acts in front of her webcam.

Unknown to the victim, Poong Foo Yun (pic), 25, a Malaysian, recorded her sexual acts, and later threatened to release the video onto the Internet if she did not comply with his instructions.

On Wednesday, the unemployed man was given a total of 19 months’ jail on three charges.

He had pleaded guilty to procuring a child to perform an indecent act; sexual penetration of a minor and sexual grooming in 2008.

Three other charges were taken into consideration when Poong was sentenced.

Pressing for a substantial jail term, DPP Kevin Yong cited several aggravating factors. He said Poong used the Internet to deceive the victim into believing that he was a 15-year-old girl when he was 23 at the time.

‘It is an aggravating factor because not only would he have the pleasure of viewing the footages repeatedly at his leisure, but also because he made use of the footages to issue a thinly veiled threat to release the videos onto the Internet if the victim did not comply with his instructions in the future.” DPP Kevin Yong said.

Poong, who was arrested at Redhill MRT station in October when he turned up to meet the victim, preyed on the young and vulnerable victim to satisfy his own lust, said the DPP. — Straits Times/ANN

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Section A: Guided Writing
[ 30 marks ]
[ Time suggested: 40 minutes ]

You received the following message from your friend.

English Language Society Recreation Club
• improve English language
• make new friends
• improve skills in Listening, Speaking,
Reading and Writing • more outings
• opportunities to learn new things
(compass reading etc)
• learn to love nature

Using the notes above, write a letter to your friend, stating your opinion and advice.

When writing your letter:
 you may use all the notes given
 elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
 add any other relevant information
 make sure it is not less than 120 words

12/2 [Lihat sebelah
Section B: Summary
[10 marks]
[ Time suggested: 30 minutes ]

(Adapted from Sunday Star, March 2010)

Write a summary on what you must do when lightning strikes.

Your summary must:

• not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below
• be in continuous writing (not note form)
• be written in one paragraph

Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.

Begin your summary as follows:

When you first see lightning or hear thunder, you must……….

12/2 [Lihat sebelah
Section C : Novel
[ 10 marks ]
[ Time suggested: 20 minutes ]


1. Potato People - Angela Wright
2. Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
3. Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
4. The Prisoner of Zenda - Anthony Hope Hawkins
5. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson

Based on one of the novels above, write about a lesson learnt from the main character in the story.

Support your answer with evidence from the novel.

Your response should be:
 not less than 50 words
 in continuous writing (not in note form)


12/2 SULIT

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Allah Knows Best by..... anonymous


ALLAH knows what’s best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain
We always want the laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our hearts will lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear

ALLAH tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow
For growing trees are strengthened
If they withstand the storm
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gave the marble grace and form

ALLAH tests us often
And for every pain He gives to us
Provided we’re patient
Is followed by rich gain
So Whenever we are down
And whenever we feel
That everything is going wrong
It is just ALLAH’s way
To make our spirit strong …



1. Where is The Pearl set?

(A) Spain
(B) Mexico
(C) Cuba
(D) The United States

2. What stings Coyotito?

(A) A porcupine
(B) A hornet
(C) A scorpion
(D) A mosquito

3. With what does Kino offer to pay the doctor?

(A) Eight small pearls
(B) Five pieces of gold bullion
(C) Ten weeks of hard labor
(D) His canoe

4. How does Kino react when the doctor snubs him?

(A) He sulks
(B) He strikes the front gate with his fists, bloodying his knuckles
(C) He phones his lawyer
(D) He threatens the doctor with death

5. What does Juana use as a poultice for Coyotito's wound?

(A) Dry ice
(B) Peppermint
(C) Oatmeal
(D) Seaweed

6. How did Kino acquire his canoe?

(A) He built it
(B) He exchanged pearls for it
(C) He inherited it
(D) He stole it

7. For what does Juana pray when she in the canoe?

(A) A big pearl
(B) Rain
(C) Coyotito's health
(D) Sinners

8. Which of the following is not on the list of things Kino plans to buy with his newfound wealth?

(A) An education for Coyotito
(B) A sailboat
(C) A rifle
(D) A proper marriage in a church

9. How does the doctor treat Coyotito's scorpion wound?

(A) With a capsule filled with powder
(B) With a strange purple liquid
(C) By administering a shot
(D) By wrapping it in seaweed

10. Where does Kino hide the pearl during the night?

(A) In the doctor's safe
(B) In his sock
(C) Under the potted plant by the toolbox
(D) Beneath his sleeping mat

11. What is the name of the town where Kino first attempts to sell his pearl?

(A) Santa Lucia
(B) La Paz
(C) Cadaques
(D) Tegucigalpa

12. What is the best offer Kino gets for his pearl?

(A) 5,000 pesetas
(B) 1,000 pesos
(C) 1,500 pesos
(D) Twenty pounds sterling

13. What reason does the dealer give for not liking Kino's pearl?

(A) It is too large
(B) It smells funny
(C) It is actually made out of beeswax
(D) It is stolen

14. How does Kino decide to make money when he realizes that the local pearl dealers are lowballing him?

(A) By panhandling and singing for money
(B) By stockpiling all the pearls of La Paz
(C) By traveling to the capital to sell his pearl
(D) By filing a lawsuit against the dealers according to the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890

15. What does Juana propose to do with the pearl?

(A) Have it set in a silver necklace that she can wear on formal occasions
(B) Throw it back into the sea
(C) Give it to Coyotito
(D) Sell it to the highest bidder as soon as possible

16. How does Kino react when Juana attempts to steal the pearl from him?

(A) He agrees with her that the pearl will only bring them evil
(B) He punches her in the head and then kicks her
(C) He leaves her for another woman
(D) He chases her down and persuades her to return the pearl to him

17. Why must Kino and his family flee from their neighborhood?

(A) Because Kino sets fire to a group of houses
(B) Because Kino steals a knife from his brother
(C) Because Kino makes advances on his brother's wife
(D) Because Kino kills a man

18. Where do Kino and Juana first take refuge after their house burns down?

(A) In a cave by the beach
(B) In their canoe
(C) At Juan Tomás's house
(D) In the forest

19. Where do Kino and Juana flee to escape the trackers?

(A) Down the river
(B) Up the mountain
(C) Through the vale
(D) To their underwater lair

20. What does Kino do to conceal himself from the trackers?

(A) He dons camouflage
(B) He strips naked
(C) He cuts his hair
(D) He grows a moustache

21. For what do the trackers mistake Coyotito's cry?

(A) A coyote's cry
(B) An owl's screech
(C) A cat's meow
(D) A bat's shriek

22. How does Kino rid himself of the trackers?

(A) He wrestles them into submission
(B) He outruns them
(C) He hides until they have lost his trail
(D) He kills them

23. How does Coyotito die?

(A) He falls off a cliff
(B) He is shot
(C) A scorpion poisons him
(D) He starves

24. What does Kino do with the pearl at the novella's end?

(A) He donates it to charity
(B) He sells it to the highest bidder
(C) He buries it in his brother's house
(D) He throws it back into the sea

25. What is the first pearl dealer's nervous habit?

(A) He manipulates a coin in his hands
(B) He twiddles his thumbs
(C) He taps his foot
(D) He chain-smokes


The Pearl - Plot overview

Plot Overview

Kino, Juana, and their infant son, Coyotito, live in a modest brush house by the sea. One morning, calamity strikes when a scorpion bites Coyotito.

Hoping to protect their son, Kino and Juana rush him into town to the doctor.

When they arrive at the doctor's gate, they are turned away because they are poor natives who cannot pay him enough.

Later that same morning, Kino and Juana take their family canoe, an heirloom, out to the estuary to go diving for pearls.

Juana makes a poultice for Coyotito's wound, while Kino searches the sea bottom.

Juana's prayers for a large pearl are answered when Kino surfaces with the largest pearl either of them has ever seen. Kino lets out a triumphant yell at his good fortune, prompting the surrounding boats to circle in and examine the treasure.

In the afternoon, the whole neighborhood gathers at Kino's brush house to celebrate his find. Kino names a list of things that he will secure for his family with his newfound wealth. These include a church wedding, an education for his son__________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

The neighbors marvel at Kino's boldness and wonder if he is foolish or wise to hold such ambitions.

Toward evening, the local priest visits Kino to bless him in his good fortune and to remind him of his place within the church.

Shortly thereafter, the doctor arrives, explaining that he was out in the morning but has come now to cure Coyotito. He administers a powdered capsule and promises to return in an hour.

In the intervening period, Coyotito grows violently ill, and Kino decides to bury the pearl under the floor in a corner of the brush house.

After the doctor returns, he feeds Coyotito a potion to quiet his spasms. When the doctor inquires about payment, Kino explains that soon he will sell his large pearl and inadvertently glances toward the corner where he has hidden the pearl. This mention of the pearl greatly intrigues the doctor, and Kino is left with an uneasy feeling.

Before going to bed, Kino reburies the pearl under a stone in his fire hole.

[1 st attempt]
That night, he is roused by an intruder digging around in the corner. A violent struggle ensues, and Kino's efforts to chase away the criminal leave him bloodied.

Terribly upset by this turn of events, Juana proposes that they abandon the pearl, which she considers an agent of evil.

The next morning, Kino and Juana make their way to town to sell the pearl. Juan Tomás, Kino's brother, advises Kino to be wary of cheats.

Indeed, all of the dealers conspire to bid low on the pearl. Kino indignantly refuses to accept their offers, resolving instead to take his pearl to the capital.

That evening, as Kino and Juana prepare to leave, Juan Tomás cautions Kino against being overly proud.

Juana repeats her wish to be rid of the pearl. Kino silences her, explaining that he is a man and will take care of things.

In the middle of the night, Juana steals away with the pearl. Kino wakes as she leaves and pursues her, apprehending her just as she is poised to throw the pearl into the sea.

He tackles her, takes the pearl back, and beats her violently, leaving her in a crumpled heap on the beach.

As he returns to the brush house, a group of hostile men confronts him and tries to take the pearl from him. He fights the men off, killing one and causing the rest to flee, but drops the pearl in the process.

As Juana ascends from the shore to the brush house, she finds the pearl lying in the path. Just beyond, she sees Kino on the ground, next to the dead man.

He bemoans the loss of the pearl, which she presents to him. Though Kino explains that he had no intention to kill, Juana insists that he will be labeled a murderer.

They resolve to flee at once. Kino rushes back to the shore to prepare the canoe, while Juana returns home to gather Coyotito and their belongings.

Kino arrives at the shore and finds his canoe destroyed by vandals.

When he climbs the hill, he sees a fire blazing, and realizes that his house has burned down.

Desperate to find refuge, Kino, Juana and Coyotito duck into Juan Tomás's house, where they hide out for the day.

Relieved that the three did not perish in the blaze, as the rest of the neighborhood believes, Juan Tomás and his wife, Apolonia, reluctantly agree to keep Kino and Juana's secret and provide shelter for them while pretending to be ignorant of their whereabouts.

At nightfall, Kino, Juana, and Coyotito set out for the capital. Skirting the town, they travel north until sunrise and then take covert shelter by the roadside.
They sleep for most of the day and are preparing to set out again when Kino discovers that three trackers are following them.

After hesitating briefly, Kino decides that they must hurry up the mountain, in hopes of eluding the trackers. A breathless ascent brings them to a water source, where they rest and take shelter in a nearby cave.

Kino attempts to mislead the trackers by creating a false trail up the mountain. Kino, Juana, and Coyotito then hide in the cave and wait for an opportunity to escape back down the mountain.

The trackers are slow in their pursuit and finally arrive at the watering hole at dusk. They make camp nearby, and two of the trackers sleep while the third stands watch.

Kino decides that he must attempt to attack them before the late moon rises. He strips naked to avoid being seen and sneaks up to striking distance.

Just as Kino prepares to attack, Coyotito lets out a cry, waking the sleepers. When one of them fires his rifle in the direction of the cry, Kino makes his move, killing the trackers in a violent fury.

In the aftermath, Kino slowly realizes that the rifle shot struck and killed his son in the cave.

The next day, Kino and Juana make their way back through town and the outlying brush houses.

Juana carries her dead son slung over her shoulder. They walk all the way to the sea, as onlookers watch in silent fascination.

At the shore, Kino pulls the pearl out of his clothing and takes one last, hard look at it. Then, with all his might, under a setting sun, he flings the pearl back into the sea.


Letter of Complaint: More Sample Essay and tips on elaboration of points

Your class is unhappy with your school canteen. As the monitor of your class, you have been asked to write to your principal, to complain about the following:

- food left uncovered
- attract many flies
- food served is stale
- food too expensive
- oily plates and cups
- rude workers
- workers not properly attired
- dustbins not cleared daily
- same menu daily

In your letter, you would also like to offer three suggestions from your classmates:
- stringent checks
- cheaper food
- serve a variety of food

When writing the letter, you should remember:

- to set out the letter correctly
- to include all the points given
- to write in paragraphs.
(35 marks)

Look at the model answer below to revise the format of a formal letter and see how the points are elaborated.

The Class Monitor,
Form 5 Amanah,
SMK Kayu Ara Pasong,
82010 Pontian,

Encik Juhair bin Jumaat,
The Principal,
SMK Kayu Ara Pasong,
82010 Pontian,
11 OCTOBER 2009

Dear Sir,

Unsatisfactory School Canteen

On behalf of the students of 5 Amanah, I would like to lodge a complaint about the school canteen.

2. First and foremost, the food served is not covered and many flies can be seen hovering over the food. This may lead to food poisoning. Moreover, the canteen also serves stale food. The ‘nasi lemak’ turns bad by the time the upper forms have their recess. Last week, a few of us had diarrhoea after consuming food from the canteen.

3. Apart from that, the food is also too expensive. A small plate of fried mee costs RM1.50 and many poor students cannot afford it. Besides that, the canteen serves the same menu daily. The students are bored with fried rice and fried mee every day.

4. Another complaint is that the cups and plates are oily and not washed properly. The workers are also not appropriately attired although they have been told to wear aprons and caps. Moreover, these workers are rude to students. They shout at us and use foul language whenever they get angry. They also do not clear the dustbins and rubbish daily. This is very unhygienic. As a result, there is a foul stench whenever we eat in the canteen.

5. Thus, we would like to suggest that the school authorities make stringent checks on the canteen daily or weekly. They should also ensure that the canteen serves a variety of food at a reasonable price.

We would like to appeal to your sense of fairness and hope prompt action will be taken regarding these matters.

Yours faithfully,

5 Amanah

Note how the points given are arranged into paragraphs and elaborated where needed.

The last paragraph states the action you want taken.

To elaborate on a point, you may:

- give a reason
- state one effect/outcome
- give details
- explain further with facts or statistics
- give an opinion

Let’s look at some examples from the sample essay.

1. food left uncovered - attract many flies

First and foremost, the food served is left uncovered and many flies can be seen hovering over the food. This may lead to food poisoning.

Since the two points are connected, group them in one sentence. It is all right if you do not wish to use the exact words given but you must stick to the original meaning when writing. The underlined sentence are elaborated by stating one possible effect of the flies.

Remember that you only need to give a sentence or a phrase. Do not elaborate more than three or four lines. You will be wasting your time and effort.

2. same menu daily

Besides that, the canteen serves the same menu daily. The students are bored with fried rice and fried mee every day.

The phrase “same menu” is elaborated by giving a few examples.
Can you identify more examples of elaboration and the methods used?

Pay attention to the structures in the sample essay above.

Notice how the use of First and foremost, Moreover, Apart from that, Besides that, Another complaint is and so on. These are transitional words and phrases which help to make the essay flow smoothly and to lead the reader from one point to another.

You can use many other transitional words and phrases to make your essay more cohesive.

1. To add to what you have just said: also, similarly, furthermore, in addition, then, moreover, in other words, in the same way
2. To use a specific example to support what you have said: For example, especially, for instance, to illustrate, as an illustration, such as
3. To show sequence: First and foremost, first, The second advantage is, Next, Another reason is, Lastly, Finally
4. To indicate that you are about to contrast what has just been said: but, on the other hand, yet, nevertheless, on the contrary, however
5. To indicate a conclusion: In conclusion, consequently, thus, therefore, in summary, therefore, as a result

Posted by Toraipsi86um96 at 7:31 AM

The Pearl : In life , a person sometimes faces problems, how is this shown in the text you have read?

‘In life a person sometimes faces problems.’

How is this shown in the novel you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text.

To answer the above question you need to ask yourself the following questions:
* Who is the character who faces problems?
* What are these problems?
* How many points must I provide?

The answer to the last question is relative. Due to time constraints, I suggest you provide at least three to five points.

Kino, the main character in the novel The Pearl by John Steinbeck, is initially a contented man despite living in extreme poverty. He is satisfied with life although he is only a poor pearl diver whose only material possessions are a canoe and a brush house. He is not concerned about his lack of material comforts. Life is difficult but he is happy. However, all this changes very soon and he is plagued with problems.

The first problem Kino faces is lack of money. This problem surfaces when his only son Coyotito is stung by a scorpion. Desperate to save the life of his child, he goes to the doctor’s house to seek treatment. Unfortunately, he is denied treatment simply because he has no money to pay the doctor. Until this moment, his poverty, or rather lack of money has not been a problem. Now, he realises that he needs money to save his child. This is when he goes pearl diving because he does not want to take chances with his son’s life. Luckily, he finds a big pearl and he believes he will be able to solve his problem by selling the pearl. Unfortunately, things do not get better for him. Instead other problems crop up.

The second problem Kino faces is insincerity on the part of people around him. People who were disinterested in his life suddenly turn up at his doorstep. The priest, who has never been concerned about Kino or his family, now hopes that Kino will donate money to the church. Likewise, the doctor who had turned him away now comes to the settlement on the pretext of treating the baby. He deliberately poisons the baby and then gives him an antidote just to gain Kino’s confidence. Kino, who had no worries before, is now suspicious of the people around him. He is unsure of who he can trust. He even becomes suspicious of Juana who steals the pearl one night because she wants to get rid of the evil it has brought.

Another problem is Kino’s and his family’s safety. He is attacked not once but thrice by unknown people who are out to steal the pearl from him. During the first two attacks he suffers slight injuries but in the third attack he accidentally kills a man.

This leads to even bigger problems because he has no choice but to flee the village as no one will believe him that he killed the man in self defence.

More problems surface when his brush house is burnt by people searching for the pearl. He knows that whoever is after him will not leave his family alone. Worse still, his precious canoe is damaged to prevent him from escaping by sea. He is left with no choice but to flee the village.

Unfortunately, Kino faces more problems when he flees the village. Even as he is fleeing, he is pursued by three trackers, two on foot and one on horseback. Kino has to go to extreme lengths to cover his tracks to ensure his family’s safety. He knows that the trackers will not spare his family even if they find the pearl. Kino knows that he has no choice but to kill his trackers to safeguard his family. He takes a great risk by singlehandedly taking on his pursuers using only a knife as a weapon. Unfortunately, during the struggle with the three attackers, a bullet is accidentally fired from the rifle killing his beloved son. With the death of his son, Kino has nothing to look forward to. Finally, he returns to his village unafraid of the consequences.

It is clear from the evidence above that Kino faces many problems, with each problem getting worse than the one before it. Eventually, these problems have a terrible effect on him.
Posted by Toraipsi86um96 at 3:35 PM
Labels: The Pearl

The Pearl - SAMPLE ANSWER Q.34 PAPER 2 ENG 1119



“The Pearl” is a novel that everyone should read because it is very interesting and teaches some valuable lessons about life.
“The Pearl” tells the story of Kino, his wife, Juana and their son, Coyotito . Kino is a poor Mexican-Indian fisherman who lives near the town of La Paz .The story tells of what happens to Kino and his family before and after they find a large pearl. The poor family hopes to have a better life after they find the pearl. But their hope is lost by the greed and unkind behaviour of other human beings. As a result the pearl only brings loss of property, death and sadness.
The novel is both easy and interesting to read. The language is also not very difficult. The story also offers a lot of important messages that we can learn. We learn about human nature as demonstrated through the actions of Kino and his family as well as the doctor, the pearl buyers and the priest. We also learn to appreciate the happiness that we have in our lives.


The thing I like most about the novel is the message or theme it conveys. These have helped me learn some valuable lessons about life.
The novel helps me understand many important things about human behaviour. Kino and Juana are poor people but they never think of cheating anyone to get a better life. The place all the hope on finding a large pearl that would make them rich. In the search for a better life they do not consider the matter of happiness. They assume that when they are rich they will still be happy.
The novel also shows me how sometimes people who are already rich keep wanting more wealth. This is demonstrated by the behaviour of the doctor and the pearl buyers who try to cheat Kino. They are very greedy.
The story teaches me that happiness does not always come from wealth. Kino and his family are poor but happy before they find the pearl. The pearl that they thought would bring happiness only brings sorrow. The story also shows how human beings can be greedy and cruel to the extent that they are willing to kill. I think I have learned a lot from the messages and themes in this story.
My favourite character in the novel “the Pearl” is Kino. Kino is also one of the major characters in the novel.
Kino is a poor Mexican –Indian fisherman. He is young and strong. He is also a very sensitive and emotional person. This is shown by the fact that everything he sees does or feels is represented by a song in his mind. He lives in a small brush house with his wife, Juana and son, Coyotito. His main hope is to find a pearl that would make them rich one day. The novel shows the hardship the family encounters day to day.
I like this character because he is presented as a complete character. He is strong but sensitive, and he displays the emotions of a real human being. Kino is a good husband, father and brother. On many occasions, he fights off attackers who wish to harm him and his family in order to steal their pearl. His anger is also shown when the greedy doctor refuses to treat his child for the scorpion bite. He also shows that he is a responsible husband and father by working very hard to take care for the family.
I like this character very much and feel sad that he and his family do not get a better life in the end.

Juana is a good wife to Kino . She looks after the needs of the family and takes good care of their child, Coyotito. The novel shows that she can bear physical hardship even better than Kino.
She is described as being “like a strong man” and she hardly cries when she is beaten by Kino for throwing away the pearl. She is always there to help her husband. Sometimes, she also makes important decisions at moments of hardship.
When Coyotito is stung by the scorpion, she decides that they should go to the doctor’s house.
On occasions, when Kino is overcome by indecision or emotions, she takes control and decides what they should do. This is noticeable when Kino kills an attacker in the dark and when they spot the people tracking them.
Juana faces many instances of hardship in the novel. However, she always tackles hardship with inner strength, courage, calmness and dignity.


The Pearl presents many examples of the courage and bravery of poor people. The character who demonstrates a lot of bravery in this novel is Juana.
Juana’s courage and bravery is not demonstrated in her physical ability alone. She is brave in many ways and for many reasons. Juana is strong both physically and mentally. She is brave in her ability to make important decisions when her husband cannot.; When Coyotito is ill form the scorpion bite, she makes the important decision to take him to the doctor’s house. When the family encounters the trackers following them, she tells Kino that they should not split up. She is also prepared to take matters into her own hands when necessary.
When she feels that the pearl is evil and only brings hardship to the family, she attempts to throw it back to the sea. Even when Kino beats her up for this act, she does not cry. She is also brave in following her husband into the night in their attempt to get away from the trackers. Even in the end, when her son is killed, she stands by her husband’s side.
Juana’s characteristics described here show that she is indeed a brave and courageous woman. She is brave in facing up to both physical and emotional hardship.

DESCRIBE A CHARACTER THAT YOU DISLIKE. / a character who is unkind.
The novel “The Pearl” contains many characters. Some of these aracters like Kino, Juana and Juan Thomas are positive while others like the doctor, the buyers and the priest are negative. The character I dislike most in this novel is the doctor.
The doctor lives in the town of La Paz. He is rich and is only interested in providing service to people who can pay for his service. He lives in a big and luxurious house. From the very first introduction, the doctor comes across a proud, self-centred and cold-hearted man.
When Kino brings the scorpion-bitten Coyotito to him for treatment, the doctor turns him and the child away because Kino does not have money to pay him. The incident is even more disgusting because he does not have the courage to tell that to Kino himself. He asks his servant to do the job for him.
He also shows himself to be a hypocrite and a pretender. When he finds out about Kino’s pearl, he goes to Kino’s house pretending that he is very concerned about Coyotito’s health. He also makes Coyotito sick by giving him some medication . He then returns and cures Coyotito when the child’s condition worsens.
I dislike this character because a doctor is supposed to always help people but this doctor is only interested in money and himself.


Kino discovers a large pearl which he thought would make him rich. But this is not true. The pearl only brings him hardship and sorrow. He becomes the prey of many people; the doctor, the priest, the pearl buyers, cheats and thieves. In the end Kino loses his only son who is killed by a tracker. He and Juana are in despair because it was for the son that they sought a better life. Finally, Kino and Juana throw the pearl back into the sea.
Kino and his family are poor but happy before they find the pearl. The pearl that they thought would bring happiness only brings sorrow.

Kino’s son , Coyotito is bitten by a scorpion but he is refused treatment by a greedy doctor. This shows the reader how uncivilized and greedy some rich people can become. But when he finds out about Kino’s pearl, he quickly goes to Kino’s house pretending that he is very concerned about Coyotito’s health.
In this novel , the people who are already rich keep wanting more wealth. This is demonstrated by the behaviour of the doctor and the pearl buyers who try to cheat Kino.
The attackers and trackers attempt to steal the pearl from Kino. The pearl buyers plan to cheat Kino into selling the pearl at a very low price.

The Pearl tells us the story of the hopes and aspirations of a poor fisherman and his family. To Kino’s family, the pearl represents hope for a better future. But Kino and his family make the mistake of placing all their hopes on a single object. This object if stolen or lost would mean that their hopes would be lost as well.
The poor family hopes to have a better life after they find the pearl. Kino hopes to get married in a church, buy new clothes for the family, get a rifle and a harpoon and send Coyotito to school. But his hope is lost by the greed and unkind behaviour of other human beings. As a result the pearl only brings loss of property, death and sadness.

When Kino finds the pearl, everyone hopes for something from it. To the priest, it means help for his church. His attitude towards Kino and the Indians shows that he really looks down on them yet he is willing to go to them when he wants money.
The doctor’s attitude towards the pearl shows greed and hypocrisy. The news about Kino finding the pearl immediately changes the doctor’s attitude to him. He sees himself in Paris, sitting in a restaurant waiting for a waiter to serve him wine.
The pearl buyers hope to buy the pearl cheaply. The shopkeepers think of the goods that have not sold well. The villagers hope that Kino’s wealth will indirectly change their lives for the better.

The doctor and the priest are people who are supposed to always help the poor and helpless but this novel shows us even these people are oppressing the poor people. The rich people in the town always treat the poor people badly. The doctor refuses to treat Coyotito fo a scorpion bite because Kino had no money to pay for the treatment.
When Kino tries to sell the pearl, the buyers conspire and offer to buy the pearl at a very low price.

Violence comes as a result of the various attempts to steal the pearl from Kino. It begins with a simple attempt in the brush hut and Kino hurting the attacker. It ends with Kino killing the three trackers. As men’s greed grows, so does the violence. Kino also attacks Juana, his loving wife ,when she tries to get rid of the pearl.

Juana loves her family very much. This is shown by the way she reacts when Coyotito is bitten by the scorpion. She makes the decision to take him to the doctor’s house for treatment.
She does not really care about the pearl. Her interest is more for the safety of her husband and son. When she finds that the pearl causes the family hardship, she decides to throw it into the sea.
When the family is running away from the trackers, Kino suggests that they split up so that he can lead the trackers away from his wife and son but Juana refuses. Her actions can be seen as her wish to keep the family together.
At the end of the novel, though Juana feels regret for what has happened to Coyotito who is killed by a tracker, she still stands by her husband.
Juana’s actions throughout the novel demonstrate love for her family. These prove that the family is the love of her life.
Juan Tomas and Kino have a strong bond. Juan Tomas is Kino’s only supporter and friend. The family bond is extended to include Apolonia and Juan Tomas’s four children. When Kino is in trouble, Juan Tomas and his whole family are there to offer their help and support.

Juana is willing to throw the pearl into the sea in order to bring peace back to her home and keep her family safe.
Kino offers to lead the trackers away to that Juana and Coyotito will be safe.
Finally Kino throws away the pearl (and his dreams ) in the end in order to become once again the kind and simple man he was in the beginning.

The pearl usually represents everything that is good and pure but in this story, it represents the worst of human greed. Kino believes selling the pearl will make his dreams come true. However , he finds that it becomes an evil thing as people try to steal it from him. He is forced to commit the worst evil of all, that is, killing other men. His son, Coyotito, is also killed as a result. In the end, the pearl which seems to represent wealth is a source of evil. And Kino realizes that it is not as important as the real jewels – his happy family and his simple life.


The novel tells the story of Kino and his family. Kino is a poor Mexican-Indian fisherman who lives near the town of La Paz. The family’s poverty causes them a lot of hardship. This is demonstrated when his son, Coyotito is refused treatment by a greedy doctor because Kino does not have money to pay for it.
When Kino finds a large pearl, he thought that all his troubles would be over. Unfortunately, this is not true. He and his family face many more hardship because of the pearl.
The pearl only brings him hardship and sorrow. He becomes the prey of many people; the doctor, the priest, the pearl buyers, cheats and thieves. Many people try to steal the pearl from him. They even burn down the family’s house. Kino accidentally kills a thief in one of the fights. The family fear persecution and decide to run away from the village. In the mean time they hide in Juan Thomas’ house. He leads the villagers to believe that Kino and his family are dead.
In the end Kino loses his only son who is killed by a tracker. He and Juana are in despair because it was for the son that they sought a better life. Finally, Kino and Juana throw the pearl back into the sea.

THe Pearl : Lessons learnt from a character

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
THE PEARL. What are the valuable lessons you have learnt fro the novel? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

In the novel ,The Pearl, I have learnt two valuable lessons from the character Juana.
I learnt that being a loving. Protective and responsible parent is important. In the novel She really takes care of baby Coyotito lovingly. When Coyotito is bitten by a scorpion, She quickly sucks the poison from the puncture. She insists that Coyotito must be brought to the doctor to be treated even though every one doubts the doctor will treat the baby because they are too poor to pay him.
Juana also teaches me to be sensible and rational. Unlike her husband and others, She is not over helmed by the pearl. All She wants from the pearl is to get money to seek treatment for Coyotito who is stung by a scorpion. When the pearl changes her husband from a mild. Loving father to a violent and desperate man, Juana decides to throw the pearl back into the sea, even though She knows Kino will be angry.

Group 2 (5C 2009)
Posted by Julia Abdul Muttalip at 8:35 AM
Labels: John Steinbeck, Latiff Mohidin, literature, SPM, The Pearl

THe Plot by J.A.M

Kino, Juana, and their infant son, Coyotito, live in a modest brush house by the sea. One morning, calamity strikes when a scorpion stings Coyotito. Hoping to protect their son, Kino and Juana rush him to the doctor in town. When they arrive at the doctor’s gate, they are turned away because they are poor natives who cannot pay enough.

Later that same morning, Kino and Juana take their family canoe, an heirloom, out to the estuary to go diving for pearls. Juana makes a poultice for Coyotito’s wound, while Kino searches the sea bottom. Juana’s prayers for a large pearl are answered when Kino surfaces with the largest pearl either of them has ever seen. Kino lets out a triumphant yell at his good fortune, prompting the surrounding boats to circle in and examine the treasure.

In the afternoon, the whole neighborhood gathers at Kino’s brush house to celebrate his find. Kino names a list of things that he will secure for his family with his newfound wealth, including a church wedding and an education for his son. The neighbors marvel at Kino’s boldness and wonder if he is foolish or wise to harbor such ambitions.

Toward evening, the local priest visits Kino to bless him in his good fortune and to remind him of his place within the church. Shortly thereafter, the doctor arrives, explaining that he was out in the morning but has come now to cure Coyotito. He administers a powdered capsule and promises to return in an hour.

In the intervening period, Coyotito grows violently ill, and Kino decides to bury the pearl under the floor in a corner of the brush house. The doctor returns and feeds Coyotito a potion to quiet his spasms. When the doctor inquires about payment, Kino explains that soon he will sell his large pearl and inadvertently glances toward the corner where he has hidden the pearl. This mention of the pearl greatly intrigues the doctor, and Kino is left with an uneasy feeling.

Before going to bed, Kino reburies the pearl under his sleeping mat. That night, he is roused by an intruder digging around in the corner. A violent struggle ensues, and Kino’s efforts to chase away the criminal leave him bloodied. Terribly upset by this turn of events, Juana proposes that they abandon the pearl, which she considers an agent of evil.

The next morning, Kino and Juana make their way to town to sell the pearl. Juan Tomás, Kino’s brother, advises Kino to be wary of cheats. Indeed, all of the dealers conspire to bid low on the pearl. Kino indignantly refuses to accept their offers, resolving instead to take his pearl to the capital. That evening, as Kino and Juana prepare to leave, Juan Tomás cautions Kino against being overly proud, and Juana repeats her wish to be rid of the pearl. Kino silences her, explaining that he is a man and will take care of things.

In the middle of the night, Juana steals away with the pearl. Kino wakes as she leaves and pursues her, apprehending her just as she is poised to throw the pearl into the sea. He tackles her, takes the pearl back, and beats her violently, leaving her in a crumpled heap on the beach. As he returns to the brush house, a group of hostile men confronts him and tries to take the pearl from him. He fights the men off, killing one and causing the rest to flee, but drops the pearl in the process.

As Juana ascends from the shore to the brush house, she finds the pearl lying in the path. Just beyond, she sees Kino on the ground, next to the dead man. He bemoans the loss of the pearl, which she presents to him. Though Kino explains that he had no intention to kill, Juana insists that he will be labeled a murderer. They resolve to flee at once. Kino rushes back to the shore to prepare the canoe, while Juana returns home to gather Coyotito and their belongings.

Kino arrives at the shore and finds his canoe destroyed by vandals. When he climbs the hill, he sees a fire blazing, and realizes that his house has burned down. Desperate to find refuge, Kino, Juana and Coyotito duck into Juan Tomás’s house, where they hide out for the day. Relieved that the three did not perish in the blaze, as the rest of the neighborhood believes, Juan Tomás and his wife, Apolonia, reluctantly agree to keep Kino and Juana’s secret and provide shelter for them while pretending to be ignorant of their whereabouts.

At nightfall, Kino, Juana, and Coyotito set out for the capital. Skirting the town, they travel north until sunrise and then take covert shelter by the roadside. They sleep for most of the day and are preparing to set out again when Kino discovers that three trackers are following them. After hesitating briefly, Kino decides that they must hurry up the mountain, in hopes of eluding the trackers. A breathless ascent brings them to a water source, where they rest and take shelter in a nearby cave. Kino attempts to mislead the trackers by creating a false trail up the mountain. Kino, Juana, and Coyotito then hide in the cave and wait for an opportunity to escape back down the mountain.

The trackers are slow in their pursuit and finally arrive at the watering hole at dusk. They make camp nearby, and two of the trackers sleep while the third stands watch. Kino decides that he must attempt to attack them before the late moon rises. He strips naked to avoid being seen and sneaks up to striking distance. Just as Kino prepares to attack, Coyotito lets out a cry, waking the sleepers. When one of them fires his rifle in the direction of the cry, Kino makes his move, killing the trackers in a violent fury. In the aftermath, Kino slowly realizes that the rifle shot struck and killed his son in the cave.

The next day, Kino and Juana make their way back through town and the outlying brush houses. Juana carries her dead son slung over her shoulder. They walk all the way to the sea, as onlookers watch in silent fascination. At the shore, Kino pulls the pearl out of his clothing and takes one last, hard look at it. Then, with all his might, under a setting sun, he flings the pearl back into the sea.
Posted by Julia Abdul Muttalip at 8:00 PM
Labels: Latiff Mohidin, literature, SPM, The Pearl

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Ikan masak lemak
1. Bersihkan ikan.
2. Blend 8 biji cili api, 6 ulas bwg merah, 2 ulas bwg putih, 1 btg serai,
dua inci kunyit hidup(serbuk kunyit)
3. Masukkan bahan 2 kedlm periuk bersama asam keping, serbuk kunyit dan
santan dari ½ biji kelapa.
4. Kacau perlahan2 hingga mendidih.
5. Masukkan ikan, daun kunyit dan buah tomato.
6. Garam secukup rasa.

The Pearl : The struggles faced by Kino

The reason Kino and Juana wanted to find the pearl in the first place was to cure Coyotito's scorpion bite. When Kino first sees it though he notices a 'ghostly gleam' which might be interpreted as a foreshadowing of danger or a warning of bad things that might happen in the future. Kino doesn't pay attention to that and in fact after curing the baby he begins to get greedy. After a short while, a struggle begins. This is a struggle between Kino and the people around him, including the people from the town; between Kino and himself and also between Kino and the pearl.

The first struggle he faces is that people are starting to be jealous of his pearl. When Kino first finds it he thinks everybody in his village will be happy for him and his wife. Instead, people begin to have a strong and uncontrollable desire towards it. The pearl is very precious and valuable and for this reason someone attempts to steal it from Kino. After that episode Kino starts to realize that he can't fully trust anybody around him. His world is now dark and mysterious. Kino doesn't know who this person might be so he starts to create an outer shell around him. He feels suspicious of all the people near him, fearing them as well. As a reader I would suspect the doctor to be trying to steal the pearl but John Steinbeck creates a feeling of suspense by not revealing who it is. The struggle between the people and Kino is about power and desire for the pearl, something that both the people and Kino have.

There is also a harder struggle for Kino: the struggle within himself. Kino used to be a poor man who was content with what he had, even though it was very little. Kino had a simple and plain life, based on a daily routine that he loved. After he found the beautiful pearl though, he changes into another person. Now the more he has the more he wants. Kino also begins to listen to his wife less and less, and he becomes greedy and stubborn. This struggle is between the new Kino and the old one. The old one could also be considered as his instinct or inner voice. This side of Kino wants to throw the pearl away and return back to his normal life. His inner voice is telling him to break it and forget about the whole thing but when something happens such as when someone tries to steal it, the other side of him takes over. It makes him be aggressive and violent in any way to defend the pearl. This struggle is harder for Kino than the previous one because it's a battle against himself, which makes it also much harder to win.

The last struggle Kino has to fight is between him and the pearl itself. The author describes the pearl by writing that it has two sides. One of them is the happy side filled with hope, new clothing, learning and many other joyful things. The other side is the opposite: hateful, suspicious, untrusting and brutal. Kino finds it hard to decide which side to trust. At first he sees the wonderful part of it, including is son learning to read and write. After a short period of time Kino finds out about the ugly side of his pearl. The pearl causes Kino a lot of trouble and misadventures but still for a long time he keeps it. Kino acts in a way he never would have before having found the pearl but only realizes it after his son Coyotito dies. The struggle between the pearl and Kino is something to do with his feelings and emotions.

Kino and his family face many obstacles, some unpleasant, because of the pearl, this magnificent but also dreadful pearl that they had always dreamed of. There are many times when Kino has the possibility to throw the object of evil away, but he doesn't because the value, promise and fake beauty of the pearl have the power to change his mind. These struggles are challenging for Kino but he always, even if deep down, keeps his true feelings and emotions, which then save him from many other horrible things which the pearl could have caused.

written by Silvia 7DT

The Pearl : The struggles faced by Kino

In the book "The Pearl" there are many struggles that Kino faces. This all started when Kino found "The Pearl of the World", a pearl that is as big as a bird's egg, shiny and has a mysterious ghostly gleam. It is to bring fortune to Kino and his family, but till now it has only brought them chaos, as Kino has to be alert on who to trust and who to not trust.

Early In the book, Kino had a "temporary" enemy, a scorpion. Kino discovered a scorpion on the ropes of Coyotito's hanging box. Coyotito shook the rope and the scorpion fell off, landed on the baby's shoulder and struck.

"He threw it down and beat it into the earth floor with his fist, and Coyotito screamed in pain in his box. But Kino beat it and stamped the enemy until it was only a fragment and a moist place in the dirt. His teeth were bared and fury flared in his eyes and the Song of the Enemy roared in his ears."

Kino won this struggle, though his baby was poisoned.

Later, Kino and Juana rush to the city with Coyotito. They, and a following procession, marched to the doctor's place. But how can the doctor be Kino's enemy? Well, because,

"This doctor was not of his people. This doctor was of a race which for nearly four hundred years had beaten and starved and robbed and despised Kino's race, and frightened it too, so that indigene came humbly to the door."

So, if Kino's ancestors hated this race, there is no reason why Kino should like him.

"He could kill the doctor more easily than he could talk to him, for all of the doctor's race spoke to all of Kino's race as though they were simple animals." Kino spoke to the doctor's servant and told him that the baby had been stung by the scorpion, but the doctor refused to treat the baby.

"Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for "little Indians"? I am a doctor, not a veterinary."

Later, when Kino finds the pearl and returns home from the estuary, he gets an unexpected visit from the doctor. The fat, racist doctor apologises that he "wasn't in" when Kino had come and he tells Kino how to treat scorpion stings. Kino, knew that the doctor was going to trick him.

"He did not know, and perhaps the doctor did."

"He was trapped as his people were always trapped, and would be until, as he had said, they could be sure that the things in the books were really in the books."

The doctor gave Coyotito a white powder which Kino and Juana doubted strongly. When the doctor returned an hour later Kino lost this struggle because Kino couldn't trust or doubt the Doctor's advice so the Doctor had total control and could take advantage of Kino's lack of knowledge.

Kino had another enemy, an enemy he could never imagine. He could not understand why his ears were ringing with the "Song of the Enemy", when he approached. He was the Priest! But how can a priest, a holy person be an enemy? Well, maybe the Priest is greedy and could be planning to use money from the pearl to upgrade the church. Or, he might use the money for himself.

One of the main enemies of Kino is himself. After he finds the pearl, Kino no longer followed his instincts. Was this a smart move or a stupid move? In the first chapters he followed his instincts then later he resists. One example is throwing away the pearl. Deep down, Kino's instincts tell him to follow Juana's advice, and he knows that it is having the pearl which is responsible for all the attacks and misfortune.

"But Kino's face was set, and his mind and his will were set. "This is our one chance," he said." So Kino has chosen a path and it might be the right one, or it might be the wrong one.

These are a few of the struggles Kino faces. There are many others including Juana and The Pearl Buyers. When Kino chooses a path he can't go back and change it, so Kino is now under much pressure. Will Kino come out of this mess with what he wants, or will Kino come to his destruction.

by : Om 7T

Sonnet 18 - the analysis

temperate (1): i.e., evenly-tempered; not overcome by passion.
the eye of heaven (5): i.e., the sun.
every fair from fair sometime declines (7): i.e., the beauty (fair) of everything beautiful (fair) will fade (declines).
Compare to Sonnet 116: "rosy lips and cheeks/Within his bending sickle's compass come."
nature's changing course (8): i.e., the natural changes age brings.
that fair thou ow'st (10): i.e., that beauty you possess.
in eternal lines...growest (12): The poet is using a grafting metaphor in this line. Grafting is a technique used to join parts from two plants with cords so that they grow as one. Thus the beloved becomes immortal, grafted to time with the poet's cords (his "eternal lines"). For commentary on whether this sonnet is really "one long exercise in self-glorification", please see below.
Sonnet 18 is the best known and most well-loved of all 154 sonnets. It is also one of the most straightforward in language and intent. The stability of love and its power to immortalize the poetry and the subject of that poetry is the theme.
The poet starts the praise of his dear friend without ostentation, but he slowly builds the image of his friend into that of a perfect being. His friend is first compared to summer in the octave, but, at the start of the third quatrain (9), he is summer, and thus, he has metamorphosed into the standard by which true beauty can and should be judged.

The poet's only answer to such profound joy and beauty is to ensure that his friend be forever in human memory, saved from the oblivion that accompanies death. He achieves this through his verse, believing that, as history writes itself, his friend will become one with time. The final couplet reaffirms the poet's hope that as long as there is breath in mankind, his poetry too will live on, and ensure the immortality of his muse.
Interestingly, not everyone is willing to accept the role of Sonnet 18 as the ultimate English love poem. As James Boyd-White puts it:
What kind of love does 'this' in fact give to 'thee'? We know nothing of the beloved’s form or height or hair or eyes or bearing, nothing of her character or mind, nothing of her at all, really. This 'love poem' is actually written not in praise of the beloved, as it seems, but in praise of itself. Death shall not brag, says the poet; the poet shall brag. This famous sonnet is on this view one long exercise in self-glorification, not a love poem at all; surely not suitable for earnest recitation at a wedding or anniversary party, or in a Valentine. (142)
Note that James Boyd-White refers to the beloved as "her", but it is almost universally accepted by scholars that the poet's love interest is a young man in sonnets 1-126.
Sonnets 18-25 are often discussed as a group, as they all focus on the poet's affection for his friend.
For more on how the sonnets are grouped, please see the general introduction to Shakespeare's sonnets.
For more on the theme of fading beauty, please see Sonnet 116.
Boyd-White, James. The Desire for Meaning in Law and Literature. Current Legal Problems. Volume 53. Ed. M. Freeman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000.
Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare's Sonnets. Ed. Tucker Brooke. London: Oxford UP: 1936.
Shakespeare, William. The Works of Shakespeare. Ed. John Dover Wilson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1969.
Smith, Hallett. The Tension of the Lyre. San Marino: Huntington Library, 1981.
How to Cite this Article
Mabillard, Amanda. An Analysis of Shakespeare's Sonnet 18. Shakespeare Online. 2000. (day/month/year you accessed the information) < >.