Monday, March 22, 2010

Reading lesson plan

Reading Lesson


Social Issue – Unit 3 : Reaching Out ( Form 4)

Learning Outcomes
2.2 Process information by
a) skimming and scanning for specific information and ideas
b) extracting main ideas and details
g) identifying different points of view

7.40-9.00 am


4 B

1. Reading Text
2. Graphic Organisers
3. Worksheets


A. Pre-reading
B. While reading
C. Post reading
A. Set induction

Ask students how they treat their grandparents.
1. How old are your grandparents?
2. How do you feel about having your grandparents with you at home?
3. How do you cope with your problem?
4. How old are you now?
5. Where would you stay when you get old?/ Who will you be staying with?
6. How do you think your grandchildren would feel about you?

B. Pre-reading

1. Divide students into groups of five.
2. Distribute the word-in-context organizer (GO1).
3. Display difficult words extracted from the passage.
4. Assign a word to each group.
5. Ask them to complete the graphic organizer based on their knowledge.
6. Students present their findings.
7. Teacher gives comments after each presentation. (Different group presents different word)

C. While reading

1. Distribute Context-Content-Experience Organizer (GO2) with a strong line and also the reading text.
2. Instruct students to read and understand the passage.
3. Students are asked to come up with their own definition and reason for the definition based on their understanding of the text.
4. Students also have to identify the supporting details.

D. Post Reading

Worksheet A
1. Distribute Worksheet A : Word Replacement Exercise. Students are asked to replace the underlined words in the given sentences with the words that they have learnt. (Sentences in different context)
2. Discussion of the answers.

Worksheet B
3. Teacher distributes Worksheet A. Sentence Completion Exercise. Students have to complete the sentences using the words.
4. Discussion of the answers.

Personal Connection
5. Students are asked to refer to GO2 and relate the strong line with their own experience.

E. Closure
Teacher discusses the values learnt.

Teacher’s reflection

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