Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The month of Ramadhan

Fasting is actually the best way to lose weight. If you really follow the "sunnah", definitely you'll see the result in a month.
Fasting is beneficial to us in many ways. One of them being letting our stomach rest for at least 12 hours, without having to process any food. Thinking of it, don't you think that every thing need a rest. We, ourselves, need to rest after working for a hard day work. Our car need to be stopped after being driven for a long period of time. What about our organs. They have been working for a long period , without being able to rest except for many 5 or 6 hours at night , when we sleep. Then when we wake up at about 6 am , it will start working again (the stomach especially.)
One more thing, recently, i've bought a health product -quite expensive - but it is to rejuvenate our system etc etc. I have also had my car serviced for RM152. That has to be done every year. Then i start thinking- We will always service our car, every year , or after a certain period, to make sure that our car is in good shape. But what about our body , with all the organs that works all the time. Have we ever serviced them... the organs.. the body. etc. Rarely.. I would say. A car can be replaced , but our organs...? Very difficult to get a replacement. So i think , it's okay to spend a few hundred ringgit, if not thousands, just to make sure that our organs and body are in good shape.. always and forever... till the day we die... To die.. that cannot be avoided.. coz every living thing will cease to exist one day. So do our best to ensure we live a healthy life till the day we die. ... and.. dont forget... to do good things ... so that we'll be prepared in the hereafter... the day of judgement.. where nobody can help us.. except... 3 things... 1. our good deeds, 2. our children's prayer for us and 3. knowledge that we have taught to others that are being used.
So teachers, feel glad that ur teachers.... and teach them with all our heart... so that our students will get something good from our teaching, and we too..insyaAllah will get something.

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