Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Mapping for better writing " A course I attended - 29 June - 1 July 2010

Course "Mapping for better writing"
This course stressed that we do the pre-writing process first before we ask the students to write.

a) We may start our writing lesson by giving them prose model. (This can also be reading lesson).

b) then we give the students the topic for them to think of the ideas.

c)The ideas can be generated using graphic organizers like fish bone or mind map.

d) Later we rearrange the organization of ideas. The process writing approach should use PDREP and RAFTS.

PDREP (P= Prewriting to generate ideas, D=Drafting; R=Revise the ideas and contents; E=Edit; P=Publishing)

RAFTS.(R=Roles, A=Audience, F=Format of writing ..speech,article etc, T=Topics, S=Strong verb - to entertain, amuse, inform, invite , persuade)

RAFTS is a reminder about decisions you make before drafting any piece of writing.

e) do peer conferencing on the graphic organizer to probe more questions / give more pictures to the students so that they can elaborate their ideas.

f) Then students write their first draft.

g) TAG Conference - We TAG their draft... Tell, Ask question, Give advice..

Eg of an outline on

Healthy Lifestyle

1) The types of food that we should take
a) The food pyramid
i) vitamins
ii) proteins
iii) carbohydrates
iv) fats
b) Junk Food

2) How to practise good Hygiene
a) Personal Cleanliness - How to keep yourself clean
i) Hair
ii) Body
iii) Fingernails
iv) Oral hygiene
v) Clothes
b) Surrounding area
i) Residential Area
ii) School
iii) Classroom
iv) Canteen

3) Social life
a) Relationship
i) neighbours
ii) friends
iii) family
b) Leisure activities
i) entertainment
ii) drug free
iii) enough rest/ sleep
iv) hobbies

4) What type of exercise should you do to stay healthy
a) types of exercise – jogging, cycling , swimming
b) duration/ no of times per week
c) benefits of exercises