Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Resepi untuk Lamb Chop Alumni BBQ

Thank You MLan For this Recipe..... Hanya Allah yang dapat membalasnya.. Resepi yang sungguh sedap..

Utk yang berminat...Zurina, Norlida, Almin, Kamsari, Mood, dan yang lain2...
>Dengan lafas Bismillahhirrahmann irrahim.. .saya dengan ini merasmikan.. ..
>Main ingredient;
>Sos BBQ ...yang halal dan selera tuan/puan
>Pure Honey...Yang bagus madu Tualang...bukan Madu...Madu 3
>Kicap soya cair
>Sos Tiram
>Lada hitam Serawak...ditumbuk atau blend..kalau malas sos lada hitam pun boleh...
>Sukatan ikut selera dan lihat kuantiti daging nak diperap...biar pekat dan jika lebih boleh dibuat sos dan di ulang guna..
>campur kesemua dalam bekas yang sesuai
>rasa mengikut selera masing2.
>Celupkan daging kambing kedalam adunan..
>kemudian angkat dan susun dalam bekas bertutup dan masukkan kedalam peti sejuk..(bukan tempat ais)
>perap sekurang2nya 24 jam...lebih lama lagi meresap...( jangan terlalu lama hingga rosak)
>Sos lebihan dimasak sehingga pekat untuk dijadikan sos...atau dibuat celupan sebelum dipanggang..
>Sila pastikan anda memanggang guna Bara bukan membakar...guna api...or Pan Fry...
>Cara memanggang;
>Guna Arang yang sepertimana Ron beli...(rujuk Ron)
>bakar arang sehingga tinggal Bara...
>Daging Kambing "slice" cepat masak...maka kerap balik2kan...
>sekiranya api mula menyambar..maknanye daging dah masak...
>pastikan air daging yang keluar jernih tanpa darah...
>pastikan hasilnya daging panggang dan bukannye arang..(rentung)
>membasuh daging dan perap ...
>perlu di marinade dan serinade dengan penuh perasaan kasih sayang kpd yang nak diberi makan ...InsyaAllah. ..
>Selamat Mencuba...boleh dipraktik untuk segala jenis daging kecuali ikan...

How To Improve My Language Proficiency In English?

There are a number of ways every person can improve his/her language skills. Whether you are a professional or just a beginner, learning is a part of life. Here are some tips to help improve your English:

1) Reading - Spend time in reading. Whether it is books, magazines, or newspaper, reading is an excellent way to improve your vocabulary, and understanding of the language. Choose a book that meets your level of understanding of the language. Gradually, you can move on to more difficult ones as your English improves. Also, if you need to improve your basics, there are many grammar books that teach you how to make sentences etc. If you come across some words you don't know the meaning of, be sure to look them up in the dictionary.

2) Watch TV - Watching documentaries, sitcoms can help you improve your English. Pay special attention to how they speak.

3) Speak out loud, in front of the mirror or maybe with a friend or sister. This will improve your speaking skills and boost your confidence.

4) Try writing small essays, stories, or paragraphs on a regular basis. You may want to get it checked by a trusting individual who can provide positive criticism as to where improvements can be made.

5) Lastly there are some good websites that can teach you English for free. Be sure to search some up in Google and find one that meets your needs. Hope this helps, and best of luck.

Written by Rocksolid

Alumni 1980 Programme on 29 Mei 2010 - SPG30

It is a joy to see old friends and to be able to work together again. Hoping that all of us will be blessed by Allah and hoping that we will be able to organise a better event next time...

ALUMNI1980 program - "Sireh Pulang Ke Gagang - SPG 30 "

SPG 30 - more pictures

SPG 30

SPG 30 - ALUMNI 80

This is the third event for SPG30, organised by batch80 of SMSTSP alumni. The purpose is to serve the school which has done a lot for us. We are very grateful indeed to the school for moulding us into what we are today. By having this event, we also take the opportunity to meet one another whom we haven't met for 30 years. Surely there are lots to talk about. The day ended with a barbeque dinner held at the canteen. The menu was lamb chop, grilled chicken and fish, mee hoon, fried rice, papaya, etc. It was indeed a successful day for the alumni .