Monday, February 21, 2011

Scoring high in directed writing

Scoring high in directed writing

However, candidates should not worry unnecessarily as the question on Directed Writing is quite manageable.

Given appropriate guidance, even candidates who are linguistically weak should be able to handle this question.

What makes this question manageable? Firstly, candidates do not have to worry about what to write as they are given help with content.

The content is provided in the form of several points and candidates need to rewrite the points in the form of sentences without distorting the meaning.

Candidates can score full marks for content if they are able to use the information given in grammatically sound sentences, irrespective of the sentence type or length.

Likewise, it is also easy to obtain marks for format if candidates have been exposed to the formats of the different text types which are usually tested.

Secondly, this question does not demand much linguistically unlike the questions in the continuous writing section.

Thirdly, the question is usually set around the experiences of students. Hence, there is no reason for candidates not to attempt this question.

The allocation of marks for this question is as follows — 15 marks for content and 20 marks for language, bringing it to a total of 35 marks.

The marks for format, which can vary between one and three marks depending on the text type, are included in the 15 marks allocated for content.

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