Sunday, April 17, 2011

Teaching A Description of A Process - Form 1

Recently , i tried this technique when teaching description of a process and i find that it become a successful lesson for this topic.

Form 1, Chapter 4 : Theme : Environment
1. set induction -
a. ask the students how many times do the garbage truck come to their housing
area to collect the rubbish.
b. How many garbage bag do they throw every day?
c. Can we reduce the waste thrown.. how
d. Answers given by students - recycle, or reuse the waste material..

2. Content
a. Ask them about the 3R programme - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
b. Ask them to explain the three Rs, giving example , eg. Reuse bottle, recycle
newspapers, reduce the use of electricity, water etc.
c. Lead students to the topic that we want to introduce - Let's say we want to
REUSE some of the things that we want to throw for eg. Greeting cards
i. How to produce a new greeting cards out of old greeting cards.
ii. Students are taught the use of linking words - sequence connectors to
describe a process.
iii. Teach them how to write introduction.
a. There are a number of things needed to make a greeting card.We
b. It is important to recycle , reduce or reuse things to save our
environment. This will help to reduce land pollution. Things that
we can do to help this 3R campaign is....
iv. Ask students to work in groups of three to write an essay -
a description of a process... for example to make a greeting card.
d. Essay writing : Write a letter to your brother asking the way to make
fried chicken.

e. Presentation by groups.


  1. Hiya! Let me first remark that you definitely managed to organize a cool portal. And I got a question for you. Do you have an idea to write professionally or blogging is solely a hobby of yours?

    1. thanks MidnightCosmostar.. actually blogging is a definitely a hobby of mine and it is also a way for me to remember the address of any interesting website that I came across while surfing the internet.. Hopefully it will be useful to others as well.

  2. jUST THINKING... have you ever thought of ... or do you have any idea... I just couldn't help wondering...
