Saturday, July 2, 2011

Catch Us if you can - Do you think Rory is mature for his age ?

Do you think Rory is mature for his age? 

Yes he is a mature boy because he is not only very concerned and responsible of his grandfather, but also knows that he cannot be separated from his Granda. Therefore his plotting and finally the escape from Rachnadar are both brilliant and touching. Rory remains his grandfather’s carer at all times throughout their adventures and journey.

Phrases from the text that suppor the answer.

1.       My granda had taken care of me all my life. Now, when he was getting old and forgetful and was never quite well, now it was my turn to look after my granda.

2.       But if it wasn’t my responsibility, then whose was it?

3.       I looked up at him and a wave of love swept over me. My granda looked like a little boy, as if he were my baby brother, relying on me to make things better, just as I’d always relied on my granda.
4.       ‘Why couldn’t people realise that I was all my granda had….and….Granda was all I had too. If they put Granda into a home….where would I go?

Source : CDC 

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